Benefits Enrollment (ENRL)

The Benefits Enrollment (ENRL) transaction is used to record and view an employee's benefits information. When an employee’s identification number is entered, all benefit types and plans for which the employee is eligible are displayed. The scan can be narrowed by entering a benefit type class, benefit type sub-class, and a benefit plan class. If you wish to enroll an employee in a listed plan, the effective and expiration dates of the benefit plan can be updated to specify when the employee is enrolled in the plan.

Note: Although this page only displays employee fringe benefit type and plan information, some employer information associated with an employee fringe benefit type and plan is also shown. Once the employee is enrolled via this page, he or she is automatically enrolled in the employer fringe benefit side as well.

Field InformationField Information

The Benefits Enrollment (ENRL) transaction allows you to enter the Benefit Enrollment details. Select the appropriate benefit type for enrollment in Benefit Type, Select the benefit plan in Benefit Plan and Payroll From date. You can also enter other optional fields.

Use the Benefit Details section to enter rate of deductions from the employee and employer when standards are overridden. Enter employee override rate in Employee Override Rate, employee's override amount in Employee Override Amount, employer override rate in Employer Override Rate and employer override amount in Employer Override Amount.

You can also use this tab to enter the deduction goal information. If the deduction is goal-oriented and the SET CONTRIBUTION TO GOAL parameter on the SPAR page is set to N, enter the employee's contribution towards the goal in Contribution to Goal Amount. You can also enter other optional fields.

The Infer Dependent Benefits field allows you to automatically generate Dependent Benefits (DPBN) for applicable dependents based on the employee’s enrollment. If an option is selected, a DPBN will be generated enrolling those dependents into the same Benefit Type Class (BTCL) and Benefit Type Sub-Class (BTSC) as the employee. One DPBN will be generated that includes all applicable dependents and benefits.

The Court Ordered field allows you to specify if the benefit is a result of a court mandate. If Court Ordered is set to Yes, then the employee will not be able to modify that enrollment via the Benefit Enrollment Wizard.

The User Defined Fields tab can be enabled via DESIGNER and can be used by sites as per their specific requirements. These fields consist of User Text, User Date 1, and User Amount fields and can also be used for any extra information that sites may need to track.

The Benefits Enrollment transaction can be created in the following way:

  • Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.

  • Select the Create Benefit Enrollment button on the Benefits Summary Landing > Manage Benefits carousel tile to create or update employee benefits information for the selected employee.