COBRA Reference Pages
The following reference pages include the setup for COBRA processing:
Reference Page Name |
Reference Page Code |
Description |
COBRA Activity Monitoring |
Allows you to control the tracking activities to be performed for all individuals eligible for COBRA or direct payment processing. |
COBRA Billing Cycle |
Allows you to define the codes that describe the time periods during which COBRA recipients can be billed for their COBRA coverage. |
COBRA Event |
Allows you to define COBRA-related and direct payment financial events. An example of such an event could be COBRA coverage costs, administrative fees, payments, and adjustments. |
COBRA Message |
Allows you to define the codes of any messages that can be used for COBRA benefits reports. |
COBRA Qualifying Event Duration |
Allows you to identify the initial COBRA status and coverage period to be used for those COBRA transactions that are created as a result of activity occurring in the Personnel Subsystem, as a result of a sweep of dependent records, or as a result of COBRA qualified beneficiaries or covered individuals being added to the COBRA database through the COBRA Attribute Maintenance (CAMT) page. |
COBRA Stage |
Allows you to define the codes that identify the processing stages through which a COBRA participant is processed. Processing stages could include: eligible for COBRA, not yet notified, eligible for COBRA, already notified, not eligible for COBRA due to non-response, declined COBRA coverage, currently covered by COBRA, and COBRA coverage expired. |
COBRA Status |
Allows you to identify the lowest level of activity that is to be tracked within COBRA processing. The COBRA status is the primary control method used to advance individuals through the COBRA process. |