Dependent Benefits (DPBN)
The Dependent Benefits (DPBN) transaction is used to override the default coverage rules for a dependent for a particular benefit type class and benefit type sub-class.
Dependent Benefits is comprised of the following tabs:
Use this tab to enter the dependent details for the benefits. Enter dependent's identification code in Dependent ID and dependent's name in the Dependent Name field.
Dependent BenefitsDependent Benefits
Use this tab to enter the identification code associated with the benefit type class which identifies the type of health coverage, medical or dental insurance in Benefit Type Class, code associated with benefit type sub-class within a benefit type class in Benefit Type Sub-Class, benefit coverage in Benefit Coverage if spouse / dependent must be covered for benefits, Identification code of the physician in Primary Care Physician, effective period information in From and To dates. You can also enter other fields.
While enrolling dependents in any benefit plan, a validation is performed on the dependent Social Security Number to prevent dependents associated with multiple employees from being enrolled twice in the same benefit plan. If the dependent is already enrolled in the benefit plan, an informational message is issued.
The User Defined Fields tab can be enabled via DESIGNER and can be used by sites as per their specific requirements. These fields consist of User Text, User Date 1, and User Amount fields and can also be used for any extra information that sites may need to track.
The Dependent Benefits transaction can be created in the following way:
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.
Select the Create or Edit action on the Benefits Summary Landing > Manage Dependent Coverage carousel tile to update employee identification information for the selected employee.