Dependent Profile (DPND)
The Dependent Profile (DPND) transaction allows you to record and view information on all employee dependents. This information is used to compute and track various health and other insurance benefits.
Note: Employee can also add or update their dependent information while enrolling into benefits such as Deferred Compensation or Life Insurance via Benefits Enrollment Wizard. Employees should refer to the “Benefits Enrollment Wizard - Adding/Modifying Dependents” topic in the Employee/Manager User Guide for more information.
Field InformationField Information
The Dependent Profile (DPND) transaction allows you to enter important personal information for a dependent personal, address, employer, and contact information.
This page allows you to enter the Dependent ID, First Name, Last Name, relationship of the dependent with the employee in the Relationship field, Gender, From date and Full-time Student fields. You can also enter other optional fields.
Use the Dependent Address section to enter Dependent Address details. Enter address lines in Street1, Street2, name of the city in City, name of the state the dependent resides in State, zip code associated with the address in the Zip/Postal Code and country in Country. The system populates the name of the country in Country Name.
You can also enter the dependent’s contact information for a dependent. Enter the prefix for the name of contact in Name Prefix, first name in First Name, middle name or initial in Middle Name, last name in Last Name, name suffix in Name Suffix, phone to contact in Home Phone, Work Phone and Mobile Phone.
Enter the Current Employer Contact section to enter the current employer's address. Enter the name of the company in Company Name, contact phone in Work Phone, web address in Web Address, first name in Contact First Name, middle name in Contact Middle Name, last name in Contact Last Name, office phone in Work Phone Extension, Mobile phone, Contact Desc and E-Mail ID in E-Mail.
Enter the Current Employer Information section to enter current employer information. Enter identification code associated with the current employer in Employer, identification code of the Insurance company in Insurance Company, applicant's insurance policy number in Policy Number which is mandatory, and Membership Number.
Use the Current Employer Address section to enter the current employer's address. Enter name of the city in City, state name in State, Zip, and country code in Country. Country Name is populated by the system.
The User Defined Fields tab can be enabled via DESIGNER and can be used by sites as per their specific requirements. These fields consist of User Text, User Date 1, and User Amount fields and can also be used for any extra information that sites may need to track.
The Dependent Profile transaction can be created in the following way:
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.
Select the Create or Edit action on the Benefits Summary Landing > Manage Dependent Profile carousel tile to update employee dependent information for the selected employee.