Employee Fringe Benefit Plan
The Employee Fringe Benefit Plan (BENP) page is used to define benefit plans for employee fringe benefits. To further distinguish between benefits and deductions, leafing between this page and the Deduction Plan (DPLN) page is not defined.
Field |
Description |
General Information |
Deduction Type |
Required. Enter the deduction type code to identify the employer fringe benefit plan. Valid values are located on the Employer Fringe Benefit Type (EFBT) page. |
Deduction Plan |
Required. Enter the benefit plan code you wish to update or expire. |
From |
Required. Enter the date the information becomes effective. |
To |
Default is 12/31/9999. Enter the last date the information is in effect. |
Short Description |
Required. Enter a new or changed short description of the benefit plan type code. |
Long Description |
Default is Short Description entry. Enter a new or changed long description of the benefit plan type code. |
Employer Contribution Type |
Enter in the employer contribution type for the associated employee fringe benefit plan record. |
Employer Contribution Plan |
Enter in the employer contribution plan for the associated employee fringe benefit plan record. |
Benefit Plan Class |
Optional. Enter the benefit plan class (a level of aggregation for benefit plans) for this benefit plan. Valid values are located on the Benefit Plan Class (BPCL) page. |
Benefit Frequency |
Weekly/ Biweekly/ Semi-Monthly/ Monthly/ Annual Amount |
Optional. If the deduction amount is a flat dollar amount, enter the amount to be deducted for employees based on the appropriate cycle. |
Employee Override Allowed |
Default is Yes [Y]. Select a value to indicate whether the deduction information can be overridden for a particular employee. Valid values are:
Weekly/ Biweekly/ Semi-Monthly/ Monthly/ Annual Frequency |
Optional. Enter a two-character code to indicate the frequency with which the deduction should be taken. The same two-character code must appear in the Deduction Frequencies field for employees on the Pay Cycle (CYCL) page for the pay periods in which the deduction should be taken. If left blank, the deduction is generated each pay period. Valid values are located on the Deduction Frequency (DEDF) page. |
Deduction Rate |
If a percent of the deduction should be taken out at a specified frequency, indicate here the percent. |
Benefit Parameters |
One-Time Deduction Allowed |
Select the value to indicate whether a one-time deduction is allowed for this employer fringe benefit plan. Valid values are:
Goal Amount/ Installments |
Optional. If the benefit goal is a dollar amount, enter the goal amount. If the benefit goal is in number of installments, enter the goal number of installments. |
Annual Cap Amount |
Optional. If the total deduction amount for a year cannot exceed a certain dollar amount, enter the cap (or ceiling) amount. |
Annual Gross Cap Percent |
Optional. If the deduction amount for a year cannot exceed a certain percentage of the employee’s annual gross amount, enter the cap (or ceiling) percentage. |
Default is None [blank]. Valid values are:
Include/Exclude Pay ID |
Default is None [blank]. Valid values are:
Include/Exclude Deduction ID |
Default is None [blank]. Valid values are:
Alternate Rate Begin Date ID |
Default is None [blank]. Select the value that indicates which employee date value is used as a comparison for the number of months for DEDA page lookups. Valid values are:
Alternate Rate End Date ID |
Default is None [blank]. Select a value to indicate the date against which the Alternate Rate Date Type value is compared. Valid values are:
Alternate Rate End Date |
If you select any value other than None [blank], enter the date (mm dd yy) for the alternate rate in the second field. |
Cafeteria Cash Benefit Limit |
Specify the cash benefit limit per pay period an employee can receive in taxable cash back when a positive balance remains after cafeteria deductions have been processed against the employer contribution. |
Benefit Eligibility Hours |
Specify the hours/minutes an employee must have reported of Non-FMLA events based on the Eligibility Time Period selected to have the benefit applied at a pre-tax level. If no hours are entered (00:00), the GTN process reads it as no threshold is required. |
FMLA Eligibility Hours |
Specify the hours/minutes an employee must have reported of FMLA events based on the Eligibility Time Period selected to have the benefit applied at a pre-tax level. If no hours are entered (00:00), the GTN process reads it as no threshold is required. |
Eligibility Time Period |
Specify the time periods for which the Benefit Eligibility Hours and/or FMLA Eligibility Hours are to be evaluated for the benefit to be processed at a pre-tax level. Options include: N/A, Current Pay Period, Prior Pay Period, Current Month, or Current and Prior Pay Period. |
Special Processing |
Special Routine ID |
Required. Enter the proper code if a special calculation routine is invoked for this deduction type/plan. If no special calculation routine is to be invoked enter No Special Routine (default). |
Amount Percent 1-10 |
If a special calculation routine is invoked enter from 1-10 amount percents. |
Cafeteria After-Tax Deduction Type |
Specify the Deduction Type to be used by the GTN process if the employee fails the Benefit Eligibility Test and/or FMLA Eligibility Test when the Use Cafeteria After-Tax Deduction Upon Eligibility Fail check box is selected. |
Cafeteria After-Tax Deduction Plan |
Specify the Deduction Plan to be used by the GTN process if the employee fails the Benefit Eligibility Test and/or FMLA Eligibility Test when the Use Cafeteria After-Tax Deduction Upon Eligibility Fail check box is selected. |
Use Cafeteria After-Tax Deduction Upon Eligibility Fail |
If selected, indicates that the Cafeteria After-Tax Deduction Type and Cafeteria After-Tax Deduction Plan are to be used if the employee fails the Benefit Eligibility Hours and/or FMLA Eligibility Hours test amounts. |
Secondary Deduction Type |
This is an optional field when the California Child Support (CACS) special routine is selected. The appropriate Deduction Type for Administrative Fee should be entered here if an Administrative Fee needs to be assessed to the child support deduction. This field must be a valid deduction type on the Deduction Type (DEDT) page. This field is required if the Secondary Deduction Plan is entered. |
Secondary Deduction Plan |
This is an optional field when the California Child Support (CACS) special routine is selected. The appropriate Deduction Plan for Administrative Fee should be entered here if an Administrative Fee needs to be assessed to the child support deduction. This field must be a valid deduction plan on the Deduction Plan (DPLN) page. This field is required if the Secondary Deduction Type is entered. |
Use with Primary Deduction |
When selected the secondary deduction type and plan will be processed at the same time as the primary deduction. |
Payment Voucher Information |
Enter in Balance Sheet Account for payment voucher if one is to be generated. |
Sub BSA |
Enter in Sub Balance Sheet Account for payment voucher if one is to be generated. |
Vendor |
Enter in Vendor ID for payment voucher if one is to be generated. |
Generate Payment Voucher |
Select check box [Y] if payment voucher is to be generated. Clear check box [N] if no payment voucher is to be generated. |
Payment Voucher Type |
Default is None [blank]. Select a value to indicate the type of payment voucher the employer is to prepare. Valid values are:
Use Cash Basis Gross Pay |
Default is [N]. Clear check box [N] to indicate that Reserve Pay amounts should be subtracted from gross pay before this percent deduction is calculated. Select check box [Y] to indicate earned basis gross pay should be used to calculate this deduction. |
Offset Receivable BSA |
Select from list of Balance Sheet Accounts that are to be offset receivables. |
Chart of Account Elements |
Enter in the necessary fund and detail chart of account elements as needed. |
Clearing Fund |
Use Clearing Fund |
Default is [N]. Select check box [Y] to indicate that a clearing fund should be utilized. Clear check box [N] if no clearing fund is used. Not required to be selected when Cafeteria Clearing Fund is used. |
Override Clearing Fund |
Optional. Select a fund to use as an override clearing fund. |
Override Clearing Sub Fund |
Optional. Select a fund to use as an override clearing sub fund. |
Cafeteria Clearing Fund |
Specifies the Cafeteria Clearing Fund to be used when a partial deduction amount is taken and the Vendor is not paid. |
Cafeteria BSA |
Specifies the Cafeteria BSA to be used when a partial deduction amount is taken and the Vendor is not paid. |
Employee Role Options |
Include in New Hire Enrollment |
Default is [N]. Clear check box [N] to indicate that this employee fringe benefit plan should not be included in the New Employee Enrollment. Select check box [Y] to indicate that it should be included. |
Include in Life Event Enrollment |
Default is [N]. Clear check box [N] to indicate that this employee fringe benefit plan should not be included in the Life Event Enrollment. Select check box [Y] to indicate that it should be included. |
Include in Open Enrollment |
Default is [N]. Clear check box [N] to indicate that this employee fringe benefit plan should not be included in the Open Enrollment. Select check box [Y] to indicate that it should be included. |
Display Rate in Employee Role for Percent Deductions |
Default is [N]. Clear check box [N] to indicate that this rate for the employee fringe benefit portion should not be displayed to the employee. Select check box [Y] to indicate that the rate should be displayed. |
Maximum Goal Amount |
Optional. Enter in maximum goal amount that the employee fringe benefit plan can reach. |
Waive Incentive Amount |
If the employee receives a benefit amount for waiving a benefit, enter the amount which employee will receive per pay period. |
Waive Incentive Event |
If the employee receives a benefit amount for waiving a benefit, enter the event to be used by Gross-to-Net (GTN). |
Manage Employee Restrictions |
Minimum Employee Salary |
This field indicates whether an employee is eligible to enroll in a life insurance plan based on their salary when enrolling through New Hire Enrollment. If an employee meets the minimum salary amount entered, they will be eligible to enroll in the plan. If they are below the minimum amount entered, a message will be displayed that they are not eligible for plan. The annual amount will be based on the on the calculations displayed on QSAL. For example, if the minimum salary amount entered is 40000.00 and the employee has an annual salary of 40000.00, they will be eligible to enroll in the life insurance plan in New Hire Enrollment. If the minimum salary amount entered is 40000.00 and the employee has an annual salary of 30000.00, they will not be eligible plan for the life insurance plan in New Hire Enrollment and will see a message stating they are ineligible when they try to enroll in plan. |
New Hire Enrollment Ineligible |
When this flag is checked, employee will be restricted from enrolling in life insurance plan in New Hire Enrollment and will see a message stating they are ineligible when they try to enroll in plan. |
Life Event Enrollment Ineligible |
When this flag is checked, employee will be restricted from enrolling in life insurance plan in Life Event and will see a message stating they are ineligible when they try to enroll in plan. |
Pension System Parameters |
Retirement Process ID |
This field identifies the deductions that should be processed as retirement payments. The default value is unchecked. If value is checked, Retirement Contribution Type must be set to a value other than default, and Retirement Contribution Code must have a value other than blank. |
Retirement Contribution Type |
This field identifies the type of contribution the deduction should be reported as. Valid values are: Not Applicable, Member, Employer, and Survivor. The Retirement Contribution Type determines how the payments are reported. If any value other than Not Applicable, Retirement Process ID must be set to True and Retirement Contribution Code must have a value other than blank. |
Retirement Contribution Code |
The Retirement Contribution Code identifies the type of retirement payment being reported. This field will allow for up to two alphanumeric characters. This field specifies an override Retirement Contribution Code for STRS Members and STRS Non-Members. This field can only be populated if the Alternate Code type is set to Assign Code, and the Pension System and Pension Tier are associated with a "STRS Non-Member" or "STRS Member" Retirement System. Either or both the Assign Code and Retirement Contribution Code must be populated if the Alternate Code type is set to Assign Code, and the Pension System and Pension Tier are associated with a "STRS Non-Member" or "STRS Member" Retirement System. |
Retirement Pay Code |
This field identifies the pay code to be used for reporting for retirement systems. For a Retirement System of PERS, the valid values for this field are 01 (Monthly), 04 (Hourly), and 08 (Daily). For a Retirement System of STRS Member and STRS Non-Member, the valid values for this field are: 0 (Annual), 1 (12 Month Contract), 2 (11 Month Contract), 3 (10 Month Contract), 4 (Hourly), and 8 (Daily). Note: These values are 1 digit. |
Rate Summary |
This field identifies which deduction rates are combined and where the combined rate is stored on the Retirement Contribution Table. The valid values are: Sum for Member Rate, Sum for Employer Rate, and Not Applicable. This field defaults to Not Applicable. |
STRS Non-Member |
Select this check box if the Employee Fringe Benefit Plan is to be used for STRS Non-Member processing. |
User Flag 1 through 5 |
These user defined flag fields are reserved for site-specific use. These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them. |
User Integer 1 through 5 |
These user defined integer fields are reserved for site-specific use. These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them. |
User Decimal 1 through 5 |
These user defined decimal fields are reserved for site-specific use. These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them. |
User Text 1 through 5 |
These user defined text fields are reserved for site-specific use. These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them. |
User Code 1 through 5 |
These user defined code fields are reserved for site-specific use. These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them. |
User Large text 1 through 5 |
These user defined large text fields are reserved for site-specific use. These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them. |
User Date 1 through 5 |
These user defined date fields are reserved for site-specific use. These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them. |