Identifying HIPAA Qualifying Benefits

Government Regulators have identified many types of Employee Fringe Benefits for which HIPAA Certificates should be produced whenever any of the aforementioned events take place and directly effects coverage in these benefits. Once these events have been identified as HIPAA qualifying benefits, a Benefit Report ID called 'HIPAA' should be created on the Benefit Report Control (BRCT) page and should identify the Benefit Type Class Codes for these benefits. This information is available on the Employee Fringe Benefit Type (BENT) page. For each of these events, the Benefit Type Class Code (BTCL) page should be updated to include at least one Benefit Report ID of 'HIPAA'. 

Note: As a general rule, you will find that most of the Benefit Type Class (BTCL) codes that have been identified as Class Covered By COBRA will also be HIPAA Eligible Benefit Classes.