Life Insurance Questions

The Life Insurance Questions (ELIQ) reference page allows the HRM coordinator to specify which life insurance benefit deduction types and plans will be displayed to the employee in the Benefits Enrollment Wizard based on the answer to the Tobacco/Nicotine Question and Gender value fields on the ELIQ reference page. For example, if the benefit deduction type and plan are for a person covered who is male or female, and/or the nicotine/tobacco usage of the person covered.

This reference page is used to determine the coverage amounts available to the employees, based on the life insurance parameters specified on the ELIQ reference page.

If the life insurance plans are allocated across all tobacco/nicotine usage options, then a reference page must be specified for each tobacco/nicotine usage response. If the life insurance plan does not take into account any tobacco/nicotine usage, then only one reference page is required per plan option, for example, if your plan has a different plan for a male or female who has never used tobacco.

To use the application for Life Insurance Benefits, the following information must be set up on the Life Insurance Question (ELIQ) page in the Advantage HRM.ELIQ the following fields need to be filled:

  • Deduction Type: Select the Life Insurance deduction types from the picklist.

  • Deduction Type Desc: Select short description associated with the Deduction Type.

  • Deduction Plan: Select the deduction plans from the picklist.

  • Deduction Plan Desc: Select the short description associated with the Deduction Plan.

  • Tobacco/Nicotine Use: Specify the tobacco/Nicotine usage within following drop down values: Select, Never Used, Current User, Last use over 5 years ago, Last use over 4 years ago, Last use over 3 years ago, Last use over 2 years ago, Last use over 1 year ago, Quit

  • Gender: Select the following drop down values: N/A, Female, and Male within the last year.

  • Benefit Plan Class: Select the benefit plan class from the picklist. This should be populated with the plan’s coverage level. Employee Only, Spouse Only, or Dependent(s) Only as per the setup on the BPCL reference page. 

For more information on the Life Insurance - EO and Waive Benefit Incentive special routines, refer to Special Deduction Routines topic.