Monitoring COBRA Activity

Tracking COBRA activity includes: reporting on exceptions, changing the status, and testing the balance. The COBRA Activity Monitoring (CBAC) page is used to control the tracking activities to be performed for all individuals eligible for COBRA processing. It provides a mechanism to define “tickler” conditions of interest to a particular institution. For example, if an organization has a policy of notifying COBRA participants when their coverage is three months from expiration, this can be set up in the system on the COBRA Activity Monitoring (CBAC) page.

To monitor COBRA activity, open the COBRA Activity Monitoring (CBAC) page and perform the following steps:

  1. In the General Information section, enter the COBRA Stage code to indicate the level of progress applicable to the COBRA Activity Monitoring code (for example, Eligible, Notified, Enrolled, etc.).

  2. Enter the COBRA Status code to indicate the status applicable to this COBRA Activity Monitoring Stage code, such as a code that indicates coverage is about to end because the employee’s dependent has reached the maximum age limit for a dependent recipient (enter all asterisks to indicate all COBRA Status codes apply).

  3. Enter the date this COBRA Activity Monitoring entry becomes effective.

  4. In the Exception Reporting section, enter information for exception reporting:  enter the number of days the individual has held this status before the individual appears on an exception report in Days Since Last Change, and select a Report Message code to be displayed on the exception report.

  5. In the Status Changing section, enter the New Status code to be given to an individual based on the outcome of the status changing test.  Enter the number of days the individual has held this status before their COBRA status is automatically changed in Days Since Last Change, and select the Report Message code to be displayed on the exception report based on the outcome of the status changing test.

  6. In the Balance Testing section, select whether or not to check the current balance owed by a qualified beneficiary. If Balance Test is Check Current Financial Bal, enter the overdue dollar (Overdue Amount) or percentage (Overdue Percent) COBRA amount owed, the number of days since the last payment date (Days Since Last Paid), and the Report Message code to be displayed on the exception report based on the outcome of the activity monitoring.

  7. Select Validate to make certain that your entries are correct.

  8. Select Submit to record your changes in the system.

  9. Select Close to exit the COBRA Activity Monitoring (CBAC) page.