Producing HIPAA Certificates

The Update HIPAA Master Table process updates the HIPAA Master table and prints the HIPAA Report and/or HIPAA Certificate. This process will also account for more than one deduction/benefit and retrieve all auto-enrollment benefits for which the employee is enrolled. Updates, Reports and Certificates can be produced for all HIPAA trigger records on the HIPAA Qualifying Transaction table for a given date range (Scheduled Run), or for an individual employee regardless of the existence of a HIPAA trigger record (On Request Run). The following details how this process can be run on either a scheduled or ad hoc basis

  • Scheduled Run – Typically run on a monthly basis after all HIPAA Triggering Events have been executed for the Month. Processes all Updates, Report, and Certificates. Any HIPAA Trigger Record with a From date between the Range Start Date and Range End Date will be considered for processing. HIPAA Certificate Date can be provided. If not supplied, the certificate date will be the run date.

  • On Demand Run - This process runs on an ad-hoc basis to perform Update/Report/Certificate processing for a single employee.  Because an employee may request a HIPAA Certificate for certain circumstances that are not considered HIPAA Triggering Events (such as for a pre-existing condition when medical coverage is changed), the On Request Run will not require the existence of a HQTR record. 

  • Reprint Run - This process runs on an ad-hoc basis to perform Report/Certificate processing for a single employee. A Range Start Date and Range End Date must be provided.  Certificates for HIPAA Master Records between the date ranges will be reprinted. This requires an Employee ID Number. If the Reprinted Certificate is for a specific Dependent, the Dependent ID must be supplied.

Producing HIPAA Certificates with an Alternate Employee ID

  • Many Advantage HRM sites use the Employee’s Social Security Number as their unique Employee ID.  As part of the HIPAA Privacy Act, an employee may request that their Social Security Number not be printed on their HIPAA Certificate. For any employee not wishing to have their Social Security number printed on the HIPAA Reports and/or Certificates an Alternate Employee ID must be entered when this process is executed.  When a Reprint Run is requested, and the Alternate Employee ID is entered, this Alternate Employee ID will be substituted for the Employee ID on the HIPAA Report and all HIPAA Certificates related to the Reprint.

  • The use of an Alternate Employee ID on a Reprint run will not prevent any Dependent ID’s from being displayed on the reprinted HIPAA Report, and/or HIPAA Certificate(s), should there be Dependents associated with the Certificate.  In order to prevent the printing of Dependent ID’s that are actually the Social Security Numbers for Dependents, the site should change the Dependent ID on DPND to another ID number.  It is the user’s responsibility to determine which HIPAA Reports and Certificates need to be reprinted for employees not wishing to have their Social Security numbers printed.

HIPAA Master Inquiry

  • The HIPAA Master Inquiry (HIPAA) page allows users to view issued HIPAA Certificates. These certificates provide evidence of an employee’s prior health coverage and may be required if an employee becomes eligible under a group health plan that excludes coverage for a pre-existing medical condition.