Setting Up Positive Enrollment
A Benefit Type Class is the highest level of aggregation for benefit programs as it defines the various benefit types. Each benefit type class defines the various benefit programs falling within this class, the default coverage rules for benefits within this class, and whether benefits within this class fall under COBRA requirements.
The Always Require Positive Enrollment check box indicates whether or not a particular Benefit Type Class is to be designated as requiring Positive Enrollment. If this box is checked, all benefits in this Benefit Type Class must be either enrolled or waived. If this box is checked, then the Action Required column on the Benefits Enrollment tab of the Benefits Enrollment Wizard is marked with an asterisk. If the entire enrollment has been designated for Positive Enrollment (on EBEA), all benefits are marked with an asterisk. If one or more benefits have not had action taken upon them when the Continue button is clicked in the Benefits Enrollment Wizard, an error is issued.