Setup for Life Event Enrollment

To use the Life Event Enrollments, information must be set up on the Life Event Calendar Date (LIFECLDT) page in Advantage HRM. The information defined on this page is referenced when the employee enters the Benefits Wizard for a Life Event Enrollment. The LIFECLDT page allows the HR Administrator to assign each Department and Deduction Policy combination the Start and End Dates for life event enrollment for a benefit during a given span of time. A ’*****’ value can be used to indicate a universal policy for either department or deduction policy.  

For example, if a deduction policy had the same life event enrollment for all departments, then the administrator only makes one entry using ’*****’ as the department value.  If one department deviates from that date, a separate entry can be made for that department.  The look up is done first by date, department, and deduction policy, then by date and department, and lastly just by date until an entry is found. To set up the Life Event Enrollment, open the Life Event Enrollment (LIFECLDT) page and perform the following steps:

  1. Select the Create button.

  2. Complete the General Information section, which contains the following fields.

  3. Department – Fill the identification code associated with the department. This field is a required field. On HRM pages, asterisks (****) may be entered as a wildcard value to indicate that any Department can use the entry.

  4. Benefit Policy – Enter the identification code associated with the deduction policy.

  5. Positive Life Enrollment - Select if it is a positive life event enrollment. If not selected, it indicates that it is not a positive life event enrollment.

  6. From Date – Enter the date on which this information becomes effective. This field should be entered in mm/dd/ccyy format.

  7. To Date – Enter the last date on which this information is effective. The default value for the operating system is 12/31/9999, which indicates the latest available date.

  8. Enrollment Start Date/Enrollment End Date - If the benefit coverage is not equal to the employee’s pay period then the Enrollment Start Date and Enrollment End Date fields should be populated and a LIFECLDT entry should be created for each pay period in the plan year. For example, if the employee’s coverage is to span the entire month instead of only the pay period (05/01/2007 – 05/14/2007), the Enrollment Start Date and Enrollment End Dates would be: 05/01/2007 and 5/31/2007.

If a LIFECLDT entry is not defined, the system uses the employee’s current pay period dates for payroll, and benefit coverage effective dates.  Workflow is used with Life Event Enrollments, which allows the HR Administrator to review the employee’s changes according to the reported life event.

  • Enable Life Event Filtering - When the Enable Life Event Filtering check box is checked, the Life Event Sub-Type drop down appears within the Life Event Enrollment wizard landing page. When a Life Event Sub-Type is selected within the landing page, benefit types and plans will filter within the pages of the Life Event Enrollment wizard based on the records within the Life Event Benefit Eligibility (LIFEBE) reference page.

  • Life Event Type: Baby Adoption - Number of Days Access Allowed - Specify the number of days an employee can access the Benefits Enrollment Wizard when the life event type is a baby or an adoption.

  • Life Event Type: Job Change - Number of Days Access Allowed - Specify the number of days an employee can access the Benefits Enrollment Wizard when the life event type is due to a job change.

  • Life Event Type: Qualified Child Support Order - Number of Days Access Allowed - Specify the number of days an employee can access the Benefits Enrollment Wizard when the life event type is due to a child support order.

  • Life Event Type: Marital Status Change - Number of Days Access Allowed - Specify the number of days an employee can access the Benefits Enrollment Wizard when the life event type is due to a marital status change.

  • Life Event Type: Insurance Eligibility - Number of Days Access Allowed - Specify the number of days an employee can access the Benefits Enrollment Wizard when the life event type is due to a change in insurance eligibility.

  1. Select Save.