Table Loading Order
Tables for Benefits Processing are loaded in a predetermined order. The base tables are loaded prior to the Employee Benefits tables. The following table details the reference tables and their corresponding tables that need to be loaded as priority. The reference tables would require reference codes from the corresponding prior loaded tables.
Reference Table |
Prior Loaded Tables |
Benefit Policy Type (BPLT) |
Deduction Policy (DPOL) Employee Fringe Benefit Plan (BENP) Employer Fringe Benefit Plan (EFBP) |
Benefit Type Class (BTCL) |
Benefit Report Control (BRCT) |
COBRA Activity Monitoring (CBAC) |
COBRA Message (CBMC) COBRA Status (CBST) Personnel Action (PACT) Personnel Action Reason (PART) |
COBRA Qualifying Event Duration (CBQE) |
COBRA Status (CBST) |
COBRA Status (CBST) |
COBRA Stage (CBSG) |
Employee Fringe Benefit Plan (BENP) |
Benefit Plan Class (BPCL) Deduction Frequency (DEDF) Employee Fringe Benefit Type (BENT) Employer Fringe Benefit Plan (EFBP) Employer Fringe Benefit Contribution Type (EFBT) |
Employee Fringe Benefit Plan Accounting (BEN3) |
Activity (ACTV) Appropriation (APPR) Employee Fringe Benefit Plan (BENP) Function (FUNC) Fund (FUND) Object (OBJ) Reporting Code (RPT) Revenue Source (RSRC) Sub-Object (SOBJ) Sub-Revenue Source (SRSRC) |
Employee Fringe Benefit Plan Include/Exclude (BEN2) |
Employee Fringe Benefit Plan (BENP) Event Category (CATG) |
Employee Fringe Benefit Type (BENT) |
Benefit Type Class (BTCL) Benefit Type Sub-Class (BTSC) Employer Fringe Benefit Contribution Type (EFBT) Event Category (CATG) |
Employer Fringe Benefit Plan (EFBP) |
Benefit Plan Class (BPCL) Deduction Frequency (DEDF) Employer Fringe Benefit Contribution Type (EFBT) |
Employer Fringe Benefit Contribution Type (EFBT) |
Benefit Type Class (BTCL) Benefit Type Sub-Class (BTSC) Event Category (CATG) Event Type (EVNT) - must indicate a Fringe pay type |