Activity Override

There are two parts to this feature that work in conjunction to supply information to an external interface, which sends a file of active chart of account combinations to an external timekeeping system in order for users to select only valid values so accounting activity interfaced back does not fail for budget errors or many common chart of account errors.

Activity OverrideActivity Override

The Activity Override (ACTOV) page contains a listing of all active budget lines from Budget Structure 51 at level 3 that meet selection criteria read by the Activity Override Batch job that have had manual updates for Sub Activity, Program, and Phase. The interface file is built from this data.

Activity Override BatchActivity Override Batch

This batch process is used to build data on the Activity Override page in the Active mode. The Deactivate mode is used to update records to an inactive status when chart of accounts on them have been deactivated on the respective reference page. The process also produces a report of these activities.

Application ParameterApplication Parameter

This feature reads a collection of parameters from the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) table:

Parameter Short Description

(Parameter Name)


Object Categories


A required parameter defining the object categories for payroll costs tracked on the Activity Override page. Separate multiple values with a comma.

Cost Accounting Departments


An optional parameter listing departments that require values for Program and Phase on the Activity Override page. Separate multiple values with a comma.

Activity Override Enabled


The parameter that turns this unique feature on/off with values of true and false, respectively. When enabled, updates to Fund, Sub Fund, Department, Unit, Activity, Sub Activity, and Program Phase.

Excluded Departments


An optional parameter defining the individual department codes that are not part of the Activity Override feature. The process does not track Budget lines created on BQ51LV3 or department reference data listed here. Separate multiple values with a comma.

Excluded Funds


An optional parameter defining the individual fund codes that are not part of the Activity Override feature. The process does not track Budget lines created on BQ51LV3 or fund reference data with a fund listed here. Separate multiple values with a comma.

FY to be used for Activity Override validation


A required parameter listing the Fiscal Year used in the validation of Activity Override records. Please enter as YYYY.

Alternate Accounting Classification Method


This parameter controls an alternate method of determining the Accounting Classification for Fund Department Requirement (FDREQ) and Fund Unit Requirements (FUNREQ). When false, the classification is determined from Event Type setup. When true, if the Object COA is supplied on an accounting line it is Spending. When the Revenue COA is supplied, it is Revenue.