Alabama Garnishment Routine

When an employee is selected for payroll processing and Gross-to-Net (GTN) identifies a deduction to be processed with the Alabama Garnishment Routine Special Routine ID, following processing occurs:

  • The program reviews the employee’s processed deductions in order to identify if any child/spouse support or non-support payments were processed.  If no support/non-support payments have been made, the program will process the Alabama Garnishment Routine on the specified Deduction Rate on gross income.

  • If child/spouse support or non-support payments have been made, the program totals the support and non-support garnished amounts.  The program then takes the higher amount between either the difference of 25% of gross income minus the total support/non-support amount, or the difference between 25% of gross income minus 25% disposable income.

  • The 25% of gross is coming from the Alabama Garnishment Routine, Deduction Rate field value from the Deduction Plan (DPLN) table.

  • The 25% of disposable is coming from the INVOLUNTARY GARNISH PERCENT Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) Text Value field).

  • The ‘disposable income’ is refers to the Child Support disposable amount when an employee is enrolled into a Child Support Routine. If an employee is not enrolled into the Child Support Routine and enrolled into the Garnishment Routine then the disposable income refers to the Garnishment Routine disposable amount.  If the employee is enrolled into the Child Support Routine as well as Garnishment Routine then the disposable income refers to the Child Support Routine disposable amount.

  • If the Deduction Rate (x%) is less than 25% for the Alabama Garnishment Routine or the percentage (x%) of gross is less than both: the processed child support/garnishment amount and 25% of disposable, the program then takes the x% of gross minus x% of disposable (for example,  x% of mandatory deductions).