Calculated Salary Special Routine (CSLR)

The Calculated Salary Special Routine supports the ability to calculate deductions as a percentage of an employee's calculated salary. This special routine utilizes the monthly calculated salary to determine the employee’s salary instead of their base salary. This special routine uses the following fields:

  • Amount/Percent 1 is the multiplication factor, with default value of 1.

  • Amount/Percent 2 is the maximum calculated salary amount considered, with a default of no maximum amount.

  • Amount/Percent 3 is the exemption amount subtracted from the Calculated Salary for deduction calculations, with a default value of 0.

  • Calculated Salary Basis specifies  a number that is used to divide the calculated annual salary that is initially returned by the Special Routine, determining pay for each period. 

Note: This functionality is only available when utilizing the Next Generation Payroll service.
Deduction Plan Configuration

  • From: 01/01/2024

  • To: 12/31/9999

  • Deduction Plan: CLSR

  • Include / Exclude Pay ID: Include with Calculated Salary 

  • Deduction Rate: 0.05

  • Special Routine ID: Calculated Salary Special Routine

  • Amount/Percent 1: 2 (multiplication factor)

  • Amount/Percent 2: $ 180000 (maximum calculated salary)

  • Amount/Percent 3: 20000 (exemption amount)

  • Calculated Salary Basis: 24 

Include/Exclude Deduction Categories (DPDC) Configuration 

  • From: 01/01/2024

  • To: 12/31/9999

  • Deduction Type: CLSR 

  • Deduction Plan: CLSR

  • Deduction Category: BILGL

A semi-monthly employee has the following Pay Details:

  • Employee’s semi-monthly base salary = $4,000 

  • Employee has one base rate bonus = 20% 

  • Employee has one other base rate bonus = $200

  • Employee has one non base rate bonus BILGL = $25  

  • Semi-Monthly Calculated Salary (Base Salary + Base Rate Bonus + Other base Rate Bonus) = (4000*1.2 + 200) = $5,000

The employee’s Annualized Salary is (5000*24) = $120000

Calculation for a Deduction within a pay period will be as follows:

  • Multiply salary by Amount/Percent 1: 120,000 X 2 = $240,000

  • Compare step 1 output to Amount/Percent 2: 180000, use $180,000.

  • Subtract Amount/Percent 3: 180,000 – 20000 = $160,000

  • Weight based on Calc Salary Factor: 160,000/24 = $6666.67 (rounded to nearest cent)

  • Add eligible pay in included categories to Calculated Salary: 6666.67 + 25 = $ 6691.67

  • Multiply new salary amount by deduction rate: 6691.67*0.05 = $334.58