Creating an Automated Direct Deposit
To access the Net Pay Distribution (NPD) transaction to enter Electronic Funds Transfers (EFTs) from the Deduction Management (DEDM) activity folder, perform these steps:
After selecting the appropriate employee, select the Net Pay Distribution tab from the uction Management activity folder. Results: The Accounting Information tab displays a grid listing pay distribution information for the employee. It also features links used to access the Net Pay Distribution (NPD) transaction.
Click on the Related Action field and select Create Net Pay Distribution. Result: This action transitions you the Net Pay Distribution (NPD) transaction.
Select the Add Record button. Result: A new row will be added to the grid.
Select the Expand icon to expand the line. The line has three sections; Accounting Information ,Accounting Distribution and Travel Bank Account.
In the Accounting Information section, enter the paycheck distribution account information.
In the Accounting Distribution section modify/enter the necessary Accounting Distribution information. The Primary Account, the account into which all unassigned pay needs to be deposited, should be marked by selecting the Primary Account check box. Only one Primary Account can exist for any given date. Secondary accounts should each be assigned a Priority Order. The Priority Order determines the hierarchy by which the system allocates pay if the Paycheck does not contain enough Net Pay to distribute to all of the designated accounts. The account with a Priority Order of 1 has the highest priority. No two accounts can share the same priority order for an employee with overlapping date ranges.
Note: When entering a Secondary Direct Deposit account, either the Primary Account must be approved before a Secondary Account can be submitted or the Priority Order of the Secondary Account must be set to 0. Each secondary account is assigned either an Distribution Amount (a fixed dollar amount per Pay Period) or a Distribution Percent. A secondary account can be assigned a Deduction Frequency. Accounts with a Deduction Frequency only receive direct deposits in Pay Periods linked to the Deduction Frequency code entered. The Distribution Percent for each individual account cannot exceed 100%. Enter the percentage as a decimal, for instance 90% should be entered as .90.Deposits can be removed using the Delete functionality. An NPD transaction can be created using the Modify Net Pay Distribution link from the Deduction Management (DEDM) activity folder. Accounts can be deleted from the pre-populated NPD transaction by selecting the relevant transaction line and selecting Delete before submission.
Deposits can be removed using the Delete functionality. An NPD transaction can be created using the Modify Net Pay Distribution link from the Deduction Management (DEDM) activity folder. Accounts can be deleted from the pre-populated NPD transaction by selecting the relevant transaction line and selecting Delete before submission.
Select the Update action. Prior to submitting the transaction, lines can be deleted by right clicking on the Action field and selecting Delete Line.
Select Validate to make certain that your entries are correct. Prior to submitting the transaction, lines can be deleted by right left clicking on the Action field and selecting Delete Line.
Select Save button to save your changes.
Select Submit to record the employee’s net pay distribution information in the system.
Select Save & Close to exit the Net Pay Distribution (NPD) transaction and return to the Deduction Management (DEDM) activity folder main page.