Deduction Plan
The Deduction Plan (DPLN) page allows you to define variations of each deduction type and contains processing information on amounts and percentages, deduction frequency, whether the standard deduction amount or rate may be overridden on an employee basis and whether a special deduction routine should be performed to calculate the deduction. For example, if the deduction types are Medical or Dental, the plans might be Kaiser Single, Kaiser Married, etc.
In addition, the page allows you to establish deductions that specify the employee and employer cost associated with retirement payments.
Field InformationField Information
The Deduction Plan reference page contains the following fields:
Field Name |
Field Description |
Additional State Withholding Deduction Plan |
Specify, if applicable, a deduction plan to be used when an employee enters an additional withholding amount/percent on Employee State Tax Withholding Certificate (ETAXS). This field can only be populated if the Deduction Type (DEDT) in the General Information section has a State ID identified. This field must be a valid deduction plan on the Deduction Plan (DPLN) page. This field is required if the Additional State Withholding Deduction Type is entered. |
Additional State Withholding Deduction Type |
Specify, if applicable, a deduction type to be used when an employee enters an additional withholding amount/percent on Employee State Tax Withholding Certificate (ETAXS). This field can only be populated if the Deduction Type (DEDT) in the General Information section has a State ID identified. This field must be a valid deduction type on the Deduction Type (DEDT) page. This field is required if the Additional State Withholding Deduction Plan is entered. |
Alternate Rate Begin Date ID |
Select the value that indicates which employee date value is used as a Start Date for calculating the number of months for Deduction Plan Alternate Rate (DEDA) lookups. |
Alternate Rate End Date |
If Alternate Rate End Date ID is set to “Specified” enter the End Date to use for calculating the number of months for Deduction Plan Alternate Rate (DEDA) lookups. |
Alternate Rate End Date ID |
Select the value that indicates which employee date value is used as the End Date for calculating the number of months for Deduction Plan Alternate Rate (DEDA) lookups. |
Annual Cap Amount |
If the total deduction amount for a year cannot exceed a certain dollar amount, enter the cap (or ceiling) amount. |
Annual Gross Cap Percent |
If the deduction amount for a year cannot exceed a certain percentage of the employee’s annual gross amount, enter the cap (or ceiling) percentage. |
Amount Percent 1-10 |
If a Special Routine ID is selected, use these fields to specify the configurable values used in that routine. The Amount/Percent fields used by each routine are outlined in the Deduction Processing User Guide. |
Benefit Eligibility Hours |
Specify the hours/minutes an employee must have reported of Non-FMLA events based on the Eligibility Time Period selected to have the cafeteria benefit applied at a pre-tax level. A value of 0:00 indicates no threshold is required. |
Enter the Balance Sheet Account for payment voucher if one is to be generated. |
Cafeteria After-Tax Deduction Plan |
Specify the Deduction Plan to be used if the employee fails the Benefit Eligibility Test and/or FMLA Eligibility Test when the Use Cafeteria After-Tax Deduction Upon Eligibility Fail check box is selected. |
Cafeteria After-Tax Deduction Type |
Specify the Deduction Type to be used if the employee fails the Benefit Eligibility Test and/or FMLA Eligibility Test when the Use Cafeteria After-Tax Deduction Upon Eligibility Fail check box is selected. |
Cafeteria BSA |
Specifies the Cafeteria BSA to be used when a partial deduction amount is taken and the Vendor is not paid. |
Cafeteria Cash Benefit Limit |
Specify the cash benefit limit per pay period an employee can receive in taxable cash back when a positive balance remains after cafeteria deductions have been processed against the employer contribution. |
Cafeteria Clearing Fund |
Specifies the Cafeteria Clearing Fund to be used when a partial deduction amount is taken and the Vendor is not paid. |
Calculated Salary Basis |
Specifies a number used to divide the calculated annual salary that is initially returned by the Calculated Salary Special Routine, determining pay for each period. |
Chart of Account Elements |
Enter in the necessary fund and detail chart of account elements as needed. |
Comments |
This field can hold up to 1500 characters and displays the remark entered by the user (if any). |
Deduction Plan |
Enter the deduction plan code you wish to update or expire. |
Deduction Rate |
If the deduction amount is a percentage, enter the percent amount here. |
Display Rate in Employee Role for Percent Deductions |
Select this if the deduction percentage instead of the calculated amount should display within the Enrollment Center and Benefits Summary views. |
Deduction Registers |
Enter the report identification numbers of the deduction registers on which this deduction type will be displayed on. |
Deduction Type |
Enter the deduction type code to identify the deduction plan. Valid values are located on the Deduction Type (DEDT) page. |
Disbursement Category |
Enter the Disbursement Category for the payment voucher if one is to be generated. |
EFT Bank Account |
Bank account code used for vendor payments are stored on this field. When the Generate Payment Voucher flag on Vendor/Customer (VCUST) is set to true, this bank account code is used for Payroll Vendor Payment Request (PRLVP) transactions. |
Eligibility Time Period |
Specify the time period for which the Benefit Eligibility Hours and/or FMLA Eligibility Hours are to be evaluated. |
Employee Override Allowed |
Select a value to indicate whether the deduction amount can be overridden for a particular employee. |
Employment Status |
Enter the Employment Status codes that are eligible for this type of deduction. Valid values are located on the Employment Status (EMPS) page. If left blank, all Employment Status codes are eligible. |
FICA ID Default is None [blank].
FMLA Eligibility Hours |
Specify the hours/minutes an employee must have reported of FMLA events based on the Eligibility Time Period selected to have the cafeteria benefit applied at a pre-tax level. A value of 0:00 indicates no threshold is required. |
Generate Payment Voucher |
Select this box if a payment voucher should be generated for this deduction. |
Goal Amount/ Installments |
If the benefit goal is a dollar amount, enter the goal amount. If the benefit goal is in number of installments, enter the goal number of installments. |
Handling Code |
Enter the Handling Code for the payment voucher if one is to be generated. |
Include/Exclude Deduction ID |
Specify how deduction categories should be included or excluded from the deduction’s subject gross amount.
Include/Exclude Pay ID |
Specify how pay categories should be included or excluded from the deduction’s subject gross amount.
Include Garnishment Fee in Disposable Income |
Select this check box to include garnishment fee in the disposable income available for garnishment processing. Note: This field should only be used by sites utilizing the Next Generation Payroll service. |
Include in Life Event Enrollment |
Select this if the deduction should be included in the Life Event Enrollment process. |
Include in New Hire Enrollment |
Select this if the deduction should be included in the New Hire Enrollment process. |
Include in Open Enrollment |
Select this if the deduction should be included in the Open Enrollment process. |
Last Modified By |
This field displays the User ID of the user who has created/last modified the transaction. |
Last Modified On |
This field displays the last modified date and time. |
Maximum Goal Amount |
Enter in maximum goal amount for the deduction. This is the maximum amount the employee can set as their goal amount in the Enrollment Wizard. This field does not impact payroll processing. |
Offset Receivable BSA |
Select from list of Balance Sheet Accounts that are to be offset receivables. |
One-Time Deduction Allowed |
Select the value to indicate whether a one-time deduction is allowed for this plan. |
Payment Voucher Type |
Select a value to indicate the type of payment voucher the employer is to prepare.
Retirement Contribution Code |
The Retirement Contribution Code identifies the type of retirement payment being reported, and allows up to two alphanumeric characters. This field specifies an override Retirement Contribution Code for STRS Members and STRS Non-Members. This field can only be populated if the Alternate Code type is set to Assign Code, and the Pension System and Pension Tier are associated with a "STRS Non-Member" or "STRS Member" Retirement System. Either or both the Assign Code and Retirement Contribution Code must be populated if the Alternate Code type is set to Assign Code, and the Pension System and Pension Tier are associated with a "STRS Non-Member" or "STRS Member" Retirement System. |
Retirement Contribution Type |
This field identifies the type of contribution the deduction should be reported as, and determines how the payments are reported. If any value other than Not Applicable, Retirement Process ID must be selected and Retirement Contribution Code must have a value other than blank. |
Retirement Pay Code |
This field identifies the pay code to be used for reporting for retirement systems. For a Retirement System of PERS, the valid values for this field are 01 (Monthly), 04 (Hourly), and 08 (Daily). For a Retirement System of STRS Member and STRS Non-Member, the valid values for this field are: 0 (Annual), 1 (12 Month Contract), 2 (11 Month Contract), 3 (10 Month Contract), 4 (Hourly), and 8 (Daily). Note: These values are 1 digit. |
Retirement Process ID |
This field identifies the deductions that should be processed as retirement payments. If checked, the Retirement Contribution Type must be set to a value other than default, and Retirement Contribution Code must have a value other than blank. |
Rate Summary |
This field identifies which deduction rates are combined and where the combined rate is stored on the Retirement Contribution Table. |
Secondary Deduction Plan |
Specify, if applicable, a deduction plan to automatically process if the main deduction is processed. This field must be a valid deduction plan on the Deduction Plan (DPLN) page. This field is required if the Secondary Deduction Type is entered. For example, you could specify an administration fee that will automatically process on a garnishment order. |
Secondary Deduction Type |
Specify, if applicable, a deduction type to automatically process if the main deduction is processed. This field must be a valid deduction type on the Deduction Type (DEDT) page. This field is required if the Secondary Deduction Plan is entered. For example, you could specify an administration fee that will automatically process on a garnishment order. |
Single Payment Indicator |
Indicates that multiple payments to the same vendor on the same day should be made as separate, single payments in Advantage Financial. |
Special Routine ID |
Select the routine value If special calculations needs to be invoked for this benefit type/plan. If no special calculation routine is to be invoked select the No Special Routine option The different plans are outlined in the CGI Advantage 4 HRM Deduction Processing User Guide. |
Sub BSA |
Enter the Sub Balance Sheet Account for payment voucher if one is to be generated. |
Suspend During Net Pay Limit Processing |
Indicates if deduction should be considered for suspension/back out due to net pay falling below the amount defined in the Net Pay Limit field within the Pay and Leave Category (CATG) entry found for the linked Deduction Type. |
Use Cafeteria After-Tax Deduction Upon Eligibility Fail |
If selected, indicates that if the employee fails the Benefit Eligibility Hours or the FMLA Eligibility Hours tests, then the Cafeteria Benefits should be after tax instead of pre-tax. The Deduction Type and Plan defined in the Cafeteria After-Tax Deduction Type and Cafeteria After-Tax Deduction Plan fields will be used. |
Use Cash Basis Gross Pay |
Default is [N]. Clear check box [N] to indicate that Reserve Pay amounts should be subtracted from gross pay before this percent deduction is calculated. Select check box [Y] to indicate earned basis gross pay should be used to calculate this deduction. |
Use Clearing Fund |
Select the check box to indicate that a clearing fund should be utilized. This is not required to be selected when a Cafeteria Clearing Fund is used. |
Use with Primary Deduction |
When selected the secondary deduction type and plan will be processed at the same time as the primary deduction. |
Vendor |
Enter the Vendor ID for payment voucher if one is to be generated. |
Waive Incentive Amount |
If the employee receives a benefit amount for waiving a benefit, enter the amount which employee will receive per pay period. |
Waive Incentive Event |
If the employee receives a benefit amount for waiving a benefit, enter the pay event code to be used for this amount. |
Warrant Bank Account |
The Bank Account code used for vendors are stored on this field. When the Generate Payment Voucher flag on Vendor/Customer (VCUST) is set to false, the Bank Account code from this field is used by the Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation batch job to populate the Bank Account code for the PRLVP transaction. |
Weekly Amount / Biweekly Amount / Semi-Monthly Amount / Monthly Amount / Annual Amount |
If the deduction amount is a flat dollar amount, enter the amount to be deducted for employees based on the appropriate cycle. |
Weekly Frequency / Biweekly Frequency / Semi-Monthly Frequency / Monthly Frequency / Annual Frequency |
Enter a two-character code to indicate the frequency with which the deduction should be taken. The same two-character code must appear in the Deduction Frequencies field for employees on the Pay Cycle (CYCL) page for the pay periods in which the deduction should be taken. If left blank, the deduction is generated each pay period. Valid values are located on the Deduction Frequency (DEDF) page. |
For more information on deduction plan see Setting Up Deduction Plans.