Enhanced Taxing Entity*

The Enhanced Taxing Entity (TXENE) reference page allows you to define the taxing entities to be used by your organization, as well as associate as many states as needed to a single taxing entity code. The Enhanced Taxing Entity page consists of two tabs, the Taxing Entity tab contains all the information that is currently available on the Taxing Entity (TXEN) reference page and the State Tax Information tab is an editable grid with each record containing Taxing Entity (non-editable), State Tax ID and State Abbreviation. When the MULTI_STATE_TAX Application Parameter (APPCTRL) entry is enabled, the Enhanced Taxing Entity page is available through the primary search and when the MULTI_STATE_TAX APPCTRL entry is disabled, the existing Taxing Entity page is used to define taxing entities.

This page should only be used by sites utilizing the Next Generation Payroll service and have MULTI_STATE_TAX Application Parameter (APPCTRL) entry enabled.