Performing Deduction Mass Change
The CGI Advantage HRM system has the ability to mass change employees' benefits / deductions / fringe rates and amounts based on user-entered criteria in order to save time. A batch job performs the mass changes to the employee records which match the selected criteria.
The Deduction Mass Change (MAS5) page allows you to change employee deduction rates or amounts, move a group of employees from one deduction type/plan to another deduction type/plan or to expire a deduction type/plan. Selection Criteria are used to identify the attributes to be included in the mass change request. The Revised Attributes specify the new values for the deduction rate or amount or the benefit type or plan. If the result fields are left blank, the value currently existing on the database remains unchanged.
To carry out a deduction mass change using the Deduction Mass Change (MAS5) page perform the following steps:
Select the Insert link to create a new line on the grid.
In the Header tab, enter the Request Code for a valid transaction in the Request Code field. Refer to field-level help for more information about each field.
Complete the following tabs. Enter the attributes that need to be changed in the Selected Criteria tabs and new values for the attributes in the Revised Attributes tabs.
Note: Leaving the Revised Attributes tabs blank results in the data on the database being unchanged.
Selected Criteria - General Information
Selected Criteria - Pension Profile
Selected Criteria - Net Pay Distribution
Selected Criteria - Benefit Information
Revised Attributes - Common
Revised Attributes - Pension Profile
Revised Attributes - Net Pay Distribution
Revised Attributes - Benefit
To enter additional mass change requests, repeat steps 1 through 3.
Click Save to record the mass change requests in the system.
For information on the Deduction Mass Change batch job and associated report see Advanced - Batch Processing and CGI Advantage HRM Reports respectively.