Personnel Action Trigger Management Activity Folder (PAWTG)

The Personnel Action Trigger Management (PAWTG) activity folder allows users to view and manage personnel action triggers that are generated in the system.

Personnel action changes such as employee transfers and terminations are handled by the Personnel Action wizard. The required deduction or benefit expiration triggers are also generated based on the rules define by the Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Deductions and Benefits (PAWRDB) page.

The ESMT processor evaluates the ESMT transactions in 'Final' state for personnel actions that need to expire deductions and benefits for employees. It looks up the rules for the matching the Personnel Action code on the Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Deductions and Benefits (PAWRDB), and if a match is found, generates ESMT Deduction Triggers for these ESMTs. These ESMT Deduction Triggers are further taken up by a series of On-demand and batch jobs to expire employee deductions and benefits.

For more information on accessing the Personnel Action Trigger Management (PAWTG) activity folder, see Navigating the PAWTG activity folder.