Processing Prorate Deductions
When the Prorate Deduction check box on Deduction Type (DEDT), Employee Benefit Type (BENT), and Employer Benefit Type (EFBT) is selected, the subject gross amounts for deduction processing are prorated based on the effective date of rate-based deductions configured with No Special Routine.
For the Positive paid employees, the system looks up the event date of employee's pay events:
The pay events with event date equal to or less than the enrollment date are taken in the Subject Gross Earnings for the deduction processing.
The Pay events, that are not effective as of deduction enrollment date, are not taken in the Subject Gross Earnings for the deduction processing.
For the employees with Both (Positive Pay and Exception Pay) configuration:
For the positive pay events, the prorated subject gross amount are determined based on the hours worked during the time in the pay period the employee was enrolled in the deduction.
For exception pay events, the subject gross amount are determined by the number of hours of days worked during the time in the pay period the employee was enrolled in the deduction.
The deduction are taken from the accumulated subject gross earnings coming from Exception Pay and Positive Pay.The system uses hours worked/hours scheduled instead of days worked/days scheduled.
For employees with only Exception Pay, subject gross earnings are split across the pay period days with the following logic:
The Work Day (WDAY) records for the employee's Work Cycle (CYCL) are used to calculate employee's pay across the working hours reported for Regular and Holiday hours.
If the GET WORK CYCLE FROM PYCL SPAR is Yes (true), the system uses Work Cycle from the employee’s Pay Class. If there is no Work Cycle set under the Pay Cycle, the system defaults to Work Day.
If the SPAR parameter is set to No (false), the system defaults to Work Day.
If no Work Cycle is found for the employee, then pay is split evenly across the pay period days. If a Work Cycle is found for the employee but the WDAY table is missing records for some of the pay period days, then pay is split across those days too.
The system uses hours worked/hours scheduled instead of days worked/days scheduled.