Recycling Deductions

Gross-to-Net generates deductions and one-time deductions. A deduction is recycled when the full or partial deduction cannot be taken. The deduction balance is tracked in the system, and processed in the next payroll run.  The following information is provided on deduction recycling:

Looking Up an Employee’s Recycled Deductions

Recycling deductions is a system generated process performed during Gross-to-Net.  The system allows a deduction to be recycled when it cannot be taken in that pay cycle due to insufficient funds. The remaining deduction information is then transferred into a Pending Deduction (PDED) page.

During the next indicated payroll cycle, the system reads the Pending Deduction (PDED) page and tries to process the recycled deduction for the employee based on available funds in that pay check.

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Deduction Type (DEDT)

Recycle Deduction must be selected in order for full deductions to be automatically recycled by the system. Take Partial Deductions must be selected in order for partial deductions to be taken with the remaining deduction recycled.

To look up an employee’s recycled deductions, open the Deduction Register Management (REGDED). For more information see Viewing Employee Payroll Deductions.

To modify Recycled Deductions refer to Modifying Pending Deductions.

On the Pending Deduction (PDED) page, you can select Include in Supplemental Run to indicate whether the deduction is to be included in a supplemental payroll run.

Adding Back Recycled Deductions on Check Cancellations

If a recycled deduction is included in a check that is later canceled without replacement, the system automatically restores the deduction by identifying it as a pending deduction. This process takes place at the same time that the check is canceled. These deductions will be processed in the next payroll run.

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Reference Table Setup

Deduction Type (DEDT)

Recycle deduction must be selected in order for any deductions to be automatically recycled by the system.