State Tax Withholding Forms

The State Tax Withholding Forms (STWHF) reference page gives users the ability to upload state tax withholding forms based on State ID and Tax Year. Attachments on this page are restricted to PDF’s only and one attachment per entry. These forms are used on the Employee State Tax Withholding Certificate (ETAXS) transaction for employees to fill out and sign using DocuSign. The State ID picklist looks to the State Tax Reporting (STRPT) reference page to obtain the State ID.

CGI has provided State Tax Withholding PDF forms with signature tags for convenience and can be found in the CGI Resource Library page. These PDFs can be attached to the State Tax Withholding Forms reference page and are to be used for the DocuSign functionality on the Employee State Tax Withholding Certificate transaction. These State Tax Withholding PDF forms do not need to be downloaded but DocuSign functionality on the Employee State Tax Withholding transaction requires a PDF that has a signature tag in order for employees to sign a State Tax Withholding PDF form. State Tax Withholding PDF forms are available for the all states that collect state income tax.