Salary Routine (SLRY)

The Salary Routine (SLRY) calculates deductions based on budgeted annualized salary regardless of the amount actually paid during the pay period.  This routine uses the following fields:

  • Amount/Percent 1 is the multiplication factor, which defaults to one.

  • Amount/Percent 2 is the maximum amount, with a default of no maximum amount.

  • Amount/Percent 3 is the exemption amount.

  • Amount/Percent 4 is the weighting factor, with a default value of zero (meaning, do not apply the weighting factor).

  • Amount/Percent 5 is the rounding rule for the annualized salary and for the result of applying the weighting factor to the annualized salary. Valid values are::

  • 1 - Indicates that rounding to the nearest integer number after weighting is required.

  • 2 - Indicates that truncation to the lower integer number after weighting is required.

  • 3 - Indicates no rounding for the salary amount after the weighting factor is applied to the annualized salary amount. Also indicates that the annualized salary will be rounded up to the nearest 1000 before multiplying the Amount/Percent 1 value.

  • 4 - Indicates that rounding to the nearest integer number after weighting is required. Also indicates that the annualized salary will be rounded up to the nearest 1000 before multiplying the Amount/Percent 1 value.

  • 5 - Indicates that truncation to the lower integer number after weighting is required. Also indicates that the annualized salary will be rounded up to the nearest 1000 before multiplying the Amount/Percent 1 value.

If the Amount/Percent 5 field has a value of 3, 4 or 5, then the annualized salary will be rounded up to the nearest 1000 before multiplying by the multiplication factor (Amount/Percent 1).  HRM then multiplies the employee's annualized salary by the multiplication factor (Amount/Percent 1).  If the result is greater than the maximum (Amount/Percent 2), HRM uses the maximum.  HRM subtracts the exemption amount (Amount/Percent 3) from the above result.  If the new result is positive, it is divided by the weighting factor (Amount/Percent 4) and the rounding rule (Amount/Percent 5) is applied. HRM then multiplies the end result by the appropriate deduction amount.