Setting Up Personnel Action Wizard Rules - Deductions and Benefits

The Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Deductions and Benefits (PAWRDB) page defines the rules to be used to expire specific deductions or benefits in Deduction Processing of Advantage HRM.

To set up Personnel Action Wizard Rules for deductions and benefits access the PAWRDB page and perform the following steps:

  1. Select the Insert link to create a new line on the grid.

  2. In the General Information tab, enter the Personnel Action Code. Refer to field-level help for more information about each field.

  3. Complete the following tabs:

    • Termination Expiration Dates

    • Non Termination Expiration Dates

    • Tax Parameter Expiration Dates

  1. To add more rules in the Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Deductions and Benefits page repeat the steps 1 through 3.

  2. Click Save to record the entered data in the database.