Special Routine Formulas

The Special Routine Formulas (SRFM) page allows the user to enter different formulas for use in defined deduction special routine processing.  

If the amount calculated for a pay/deduction category needs to be added to the formula, then the user must select the ‘+’ sign. If the amount calculated for a pay/deduction category needs to be subtracted from the formula, then the user must select the ‘–’ sign. If the current payday amount for the category needs to be included in the formula, then the user must select ‘Payday.’  If the Year-to-Date amount for the category needs to be included in the formula, then the user must select ‘Year-to-Date.’  If both Year-to-Date and Payday amounts need to be included in the formula, the user must enter two separate entries for the Pay or Deduction Category.  

Note: If any one of the three Sign, Category Calculation, and Category fields is entered on a line, then all three fields are required. For example: if Sign and Category Calculation fields are entered on line 1 but the Category field is left blank, an error will be issued.