Treasury Direct (TDIR)
Treasury Direct deductions are identified by the Treasury Direct (TDIR) special routine, although no special processing occurs for these deductions in Gross-to-Net (GTN); they are either fixed amount, fixed percentage, override amount, or override percentage deductions. The special processing for these deductions occurs within the Miscellaneous Deductions (MISC) transaction and the post-GTN processing that creates files to be sent to banks.
Within MISC, EFT information is required for a Treasury Direct deduction. The funds deducted from the employee’s paycheck are sent directly to the account that the employee establishes with the Treasury Direct program. These edits exist only within MISC, so Treasury Direct deductions should not be entered through any other type of transaction.
The Create EFT Bank job separates the Treasury Direct deductions from other EFT deductions that are sent to the EFT Clearinghouse. The Create EFT TDIR Tapes job creates a separate EFT file of deductions to be sent to Treasury Direct.
Refer to information on the Treasury Direct web site for more information. It can be found at under Find Resources for Employers.