Vendor/Customer Reference Page

This page allows you to view the primary information about a vendor/customer.  The information contained in this page determines how Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) transactions are handled.   This page also contains the Discount Terms for Prompt Payment that the Vendor/Customer may offer.

The Authorized Department section defines the list of departments that are authorized to use the selected Vendor/Customer code on various transactions and pages in Advantage. The department based validation only occurs when the Restrict Use by Department check box is selected on the associated Vendor/Customer Location record.

  • If the Restrict Use by Department check box is selected on the Vendor/Customer Location record, then selection of this vendor/customer record is restricted based on the user and/or employee’s department.

  • If the Restrict Use by Department check box is cleared (unchecked) on the Vendor/Customer Location record, then no verification is performed against this table when the Vendor/Customer code is used on transactions/pages in Advantage.

The Vendor/Customer table also allows you to search by any of the following by clicking on the appropriate links at the bottom of the page:


  • Master Contact

  • Master Address

  • Vendor Addresses

Field InformationField Information

The Vendor/Customer field displays the unique identifier assigned to the vendor/customer record.  The Vendor/Customer field can be selected on various pages and transactions in Advantage via a Vendor/Customer, Vendor, or Override Vendor field.  

The Override Vendor field on the Family Court Arrears Bankruptcy (FAMC), Garnishment (GARN), Employee Benefit Enrollment (BNRL), and Miscellaneous Deduction (MISC) transactions provides the identification code associated with the override vendor. On the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction, this field allows you to set up an Employee Assignment record with a specific Vendor/Customer code.

The Restrict Use by Department flag on the Vendor/Customer (VCUST) table determines whether the Vendor/Customer field (or Override Vendor field) is restricted by a user’s and/or employee’s department.

  • On the Deduction Plan (DPLN), Employer Fringe Benefit Plan (EFBP), and Employee Fringe Benefit Plan (BENP) pages, if the Restrict Use by Department flag is selected on the Vendor/Customer (VCUST) table for the selected vendor, then the user’s department (from the SCUSER table in the Administration application) must be listed on the Authorized Departments section of VCUST.  

  • On the Employee Status Maintenance transaction, if the Restrict Use by Department flag is selected on the VCUST, then the user’s department (from the SCUSER table in the Administration application) and the employee’s department from the Home Department field of the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) table must be listed on the Authorized Departments section of VCUST.

  • On the Employee Benefit Enrollment (BNRL), Garnishment (GARN), Miscellaneous Deduction (MISC), and Family Court Arrears Bankruptcy (FAMC) transactions, if the Restrict Use by Department flag is selected, then the vendor’s authorized departments are validated based on whether the Deduction Type is restricted by Employee, Appointment, or Both.

  • Appointment – The user’s department (from the SCUSER table in the Administration application) and the employee’s department from the Employee Assignment record currently effective for the appointment specified on the transaction must be listed on the Authorized Departments section of VCUST.

  • Employee - The user’s department (from the SCUSER table in the Administration application) must be listed on the Authorized Departments section of VCUST.  Note: If the department is valid, then an overridable warning message is issued indicating that the Vendor was not validated against the employee’s department since the specified deduction type is restricted by employee. You should verify that the specified vendor is authorized for all of the employee’s departments. Authorized Departments can be viewed on the VCUST page.

  • Both - If the transaction has Appointment ID set to wildcard (*), then the same validation used for Deduction Type of Employee is used.  If the transaction has an Appointment ID specified or blank, then the same validation used for Deduction Type of Appointment is used.

If the Filter Vendor Picks on Tables parameter on the Application Parameters (APPCTRL) table is True, then the Vendor pick list on the EFBP, BENP, and DPLN pages is filtered to show the vendor records that have the Department specified in the General Information section of VCUST equal to the user’s home department, set to a wildcard value of ALL, or is blank (no value).

The Department field On the Vendor/Customer (VCUST) page, displays the Transaction Department Code associated with the Government Entity.  This field cannot be modified in HRM.  If the Filter Vendor Picks on Tables parameter on the Application Parameters (APPCTRL) table is True, then the vendor pick list on the Employer Fringe Benefit Plan (EFBP), Employee Fringe Benefit Plan (BENP), and Deduction Plan (DPLN) pages are filtered to show the vendor records that have the Department equal to the user’s home department, set to a wildcard value of ALL, or if the Department field blank.

On the Authorized Departments section of the VCUST table, the Department field displays the departments that are authorized to use this Vendor/Customer code on transactions/pages in Advantage. The Authorized Departments page is only verified when the Restrict Use by Department flag is selected on the associated Vendor/Customer Location record.

The Authorized By field displays the user ID of the person making the authorization.

The Authorized On field on the Authorized Departments section of the Vendor/Customer (VCUST) table indicates the date that the Department was added as an Authorized Department for the selected Vendor/Customer.