Viewing an Employee’s Payroll Deduction Totals

To view all of an employee’s payroll deductions from the Deduction Management (DEDM) activity folder, perform these steps:

  1. After selecting the appropriate employee, select the Employee Deduction Summary tab from the uction Management activity folder .  Result: The page is updated and features a grid listing the specified employee’s total payroll deductions by year. 

  2. To view the employee’s total deductions for a given year, select the line representing the year in question from the grid.  Result:  The employee’s deduction totals for the specified year are displayed in these fields on the lower portion of the page.  Note:  All fields are system-maintained and cannot be entered from this view.

  3. Select Close to return to the Deduction Management activity folder main page when you are finished viewing the employee’s deduction summary.