360 Degree Feedback

  • 360 Feedback can be requested from anyone within the department, these reviewers do not have direct access to the Evaluation transaction / wizard, they can access a separate form to provide 360-degree feedback.

  • Availability of the 360 Degree Feedback step, allowing goals for feedback for 360-degree reviewers, and allowing reviewers to provide goals rating can all be restricted through configuration.

  • The 360 Degree Feedback step is available for the Manager role user once the Goals are signed and finalized. The managers can select 360 Reviewers, add notes for the reviewer, request feedback on specific selected goals or even ask for overall feedback without sending any specific goal.

  • The left-hand panel has an option to select the 360 Reviewer. The number of 360 reviewers allowed depends on the configuration.

  • Once the 360 Reviewer is selected, the name, picture and title of the reviewer is displayed, below it, the status of feedback request, along with overall ratings provided by reviewer is also displayed.

  • The review request can be deleted if it is in Feedback Pending or Feedback Not Requested state for a long time. For the Manager role a delete option is available in case they want to delete the feedback request sent and the request is still pending feedback. If review request is in Feedback Not Requested state, manager can also edit the Reviewer by using the Pencil icon.

  • The right-hand panel displays the list of goals eligible for 360 Feedback along with due date and feedback message from the reviewer.

  • Once the feedback is requested, the right-hand panel is present in the read-only mode.

  • The 360 Reviewers can access the review requests from the Performance Journey carousel tile - 360 Degree Feedback & Review Requests in an Employee role. The user can provide the feedback against every goal and provides overall feedback and submit the request.

  • Once the 360 feedback is submitted, requests can be verified by the Evaluator on the Evaluation wizard.