Performance Summary

Under Manage Team Information -> Performance Journey page there is a Performance Summary button, which is the manager Landing page. Based on site configuration, Performance Summary can be also searched via global navigation or can be added to the home page as a quick link. The Performance Summary page shows the information related to the reporting employee’s performance. This page has the following widgets:

Evaluation ProgressEvaluation Progress

This widget displays the reporting employee’s completion percentage for the goals, training and competencies finalized for the primary performance type.

Review StatusReview Status

This widget displays the status of evaluation of the reporting employees in the form of a donut chart. The donut chart shows the information in three parts - Not Started, In progress and Completed.


The Appreciation widget displays information in three tabs - My Department, My Team and My Appreciations.

For a Manager role user, the My Team tab displays appreciations received by direct reports. Two links are available - Appreciate and View All. The Appreciate button link helps the user to create and share a new Appreciation. View All link navigates the user to the Appreciation page.

The Appreciation page displays the most recent six appreciations displayed in a card view. This page also has a list grid that lists all the Appreciations based on search filters used.

Year is a required filter on the search criteria. Multiple options are available to search such as using >2023, <2023, multiple months or all months. Users can search within Department within team and so on. For the Employee role, the My Team filter displays appreciations received by the peers who are reporting to the same Manager; for the Manager role, the My Team filter displays appreciations received by direct reports.

Each line has a View All option. When user clicks View All, the selected employee’s all appreciations are displayed on the appreciation tile. Any appreciations that need to be edited or deleted can be modified from this view. The author of the appreciation or an Admin can only delete or edit the appreciation. Similarly, Admin or author of the comments on appreciations can delete the comments. From all the pages in the appreciation flow, the user has the option to create and share a new appreciation using the Appreciate button.

Overall Rating TrendOverall Rating Trend

This widget displays the information of the latest three overall ratings of the reporting employees for the primary performance type. This widget is primarily designed for Manager and reporting employees working for the same department. This is because all departments can have a different rating scale for evaluations.