Self Assessment
Availability of the Self Assessment step, Employee Rating, Employee Comments and Attachments fields being available to the employee can all be restricted through configuration.
The Self Assessment step is available for the employee to add their own assessment about performance on various Goals. This step displays all the finalized Goals and the employee can add his Rating and Comments and any reference attachments for each Goal. The employee can also add Overall Rating and Self Assessment Comments. Employee can add all the instances and relevant information related to Goal achievement via these fields and also justify why he/she has self-rated in a certain way.
The employee can add status (Not Started, In progress & Completed), % Complete for each goal. If the status is marked as completed , % complete is automatically inferred as 100% and vice versa.
The Rating field is either displayed with Stars to be filled up by clicking on relevant number of stars or a drop-down list of rating values. Description of the Rating field, helps in understanding the meaning of rating scale, for example a 3-star rating can mean Exceeding Expectation or Met Expectation based on organization rating system.
The Self assessment step is editable for the employee once goals are finalized i.e. Evaluation Status is Assessment In Progress.
Employees can keep on editing the Self Assessment throughout the assessment period as long as they don't not submit the Self Assessment. Recommended practice is to update the system on a regular basis on what goals have been achieved, % completion and which ones still need to be worked on, this way employees can track their progress and remained aligned with what is planned and agreed with the manager to be achieved.
The manager can access the Self Assessment step in read only mode.
Once the employee clicks on Submit Self Assessment button the evaluation status remains as Assessment In Progress, however, the action is captured in the evaluation history with date and timestamp.