Summary and Signature
Under the Summary and Signature step of the Evaluation Wizard, the summary of the entire evaluation process is displayed. It is a view only page with few buttons for sign off. Summary page has the following sections - Overall Rating and Comment, Goals information with Employee and Manager rating and comments, Employee and Manager Signature panel.
The Summary & Signature step displays the latest information to the manager including employee self-rating and comments at any point in time.
The Summary & Signature step displays the Manager Assessment related information - Manager Overall Comments and Overall Rating, Final Score, Goal level Manager Comments and Manager Rating to the Employee only when the evaluation status is Evaluation Pending Employee Signature. Rest of the information will show to the employee.
Once the manager assessment is done, the manager can release the evaluation to the employee by clicking on Release to Employee button. The evaluation status will change to Evaluation Pending Employee Signature.
The employee can now view the assessment and add final comments on the Assessment step by clicking on the Sign and Accept button on the Summary & Signature page. Then, the Signature panel is refreshed and updated with the employee's name, date and time stamp of signature. The evaluation status changes to Evaluation Pending Manager Signature.
The manager can now come to Summary & Signature and click on Sign and Complete button, the Signature panel will get updated with the manager name, date and time stamp of signature. The evaluation status changes to Evaluation Complete.
The Summary step also displays Evaluation History information under the menu options so that user can see a track of the evaluation history. The information is displayed in a pop-up grid that display the evaluation status history, action owner name, 'Requested on' and 'Completed on' date and timestamps. It also displays if any of the designated actions were overridden by an Administrator or Manager. For example, Initiating an Evaluation is mostly done by an Admin, if a Manager triggers the evaluation, then the History shows that this action was Overridden by the manager.