Accounting Overrides (AORD)
The Accounting Overrides (AORD) page enables you to set up accounting overrides used on the Timesheet (TIMEI) transaction. This page allows you to set up a series of override codes that point to different accounting lines and then assign those override codes to lines on the Timesheet (TIMEI) and Group Timesheet (TIMEG). Override Codes are tied to a specific organizational values (Home Department, Union Local and Pay Policy) and Event code and are available for selection in the “Override” pick list on Timesheet and Group Timesheets. (If you are defining the Accounting Overrides code to be used in the Equipment Usage line on the Timesheet, then the Event Type value must be wild carded.) The Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local, Event, and Pay Policy codes may be wild carded.
Note: If you use wild card for the Home Department field, then the Labor Distribution Override Option must not be set to User Entered Labor Distribution Profile and a value on Labor Distribution Profile Code is not allowed.
Timesheet Setup (TIMES)/Timesheet Management (TIMEA) edits
The Accounting Overrides page uses the Timesheet Management (TIMEA) and Timesheet Setup (TIMES) reference pages to perform edits on the entered values. The intention of this functionality is to validate the Accounting Overrides in the same manner that they would be validated on the Timesheet transaction if entered by an employee or administrator.
Timesheet Management (TIMEA)Timesheet Management (TIMEA)
For an entered Department/Unit/Union Local/Pay
Policy/Event/From Date combination, the Accounting Overrides page
looks up TIMEA to determine if the following timesheet options are
allowed on AORD:
Override Allowed – If cleared, fields in the Fund
Accounting and Detail
Accounting sections of AORD cannot be entered.
Override Allowed – If cleared, fields in the Overrides
section of AORD cannot be entered.
Override Allowed – If cleared, the Labor
Distribution Override Option and Labor
Distribution Profile fields in the Accounting
Source section of AORD cannot be entered.
Override Allowed – If cleared, the Position
Number field in the Accounting
Source section of AORD cannot be entered.
If the options above are not checked and
an override is entered for these details, errors will be issued. These
errors will be the same errors that would be issued on the Timesheet
transaction if invalid overrides were entered on the TIMEI transaction.
The Requirement Edits section allows you
to define individual requirement edits for all Chart of Account (COA)
elements utilized by the timesheets. The user can choose from the
Not Allowed
Timesheet Setup (TIMES)Timesheet Setup (TIMES)
The Timesheet Setup (TIMES) page is used
to define the available accounting overrides that can be entered for
a Department/Unit/Union Local Pay Policy combination. Only accounting
overrides that are checked in the Overrides
section of the TIMES reference page are available for entry. For example,
if all attributes are checked, with the exception of Program and Phrase,
then only the unchecked fields will be restricted from having data
entered. In this case, the Program and Phase fields would issue errors
if data was entered for them.