Cancelled Check Processing
At sites using Advantage Financial 3.x, the payroll accounting journal is read to obtain all the transactions for the original check. New payroll expense journal and liability journal records are created as a copy of the original records posted. The amount of these new transactions is multiplied by –1 and posted to Financial, thus negating the effect of the transactions posted by the original check. If no records are retrieved, then the Payroll Expense Journal History table and Payroll Liability Journal History table are read using the Original Internal Control Number. If no records are retrieved yet, the Payroll Expense Journal table and Payroll Liability Journal table are read using the Original Internal Control Number. New payroll expense journal records and payroll liability journal records are written to the respective tables. The Contract Pay Amount and Input Amount on the payroll expense journal records and the Deduction Amount on the payroll liability journal records are negated. The Labor Distribution Consolidation process generates the transactions using this information, and any transactions posted for the original check are negated.