Contract Pay Encumbrance Processor

PAM uses the Contract Pay Encumbrance Processor to process contract pay summary details. In the case of employees that are paid based on contract basis, PAM can prevent the remaining contract pay from being paid out by running the Contract Pay Encumbrance process. This process creates entries in the contract pay expense journal that post to Advantage Financial.

The following Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) entries must be set before running this process:

  • CONTRACT PAY PROC BLOCK SIZE - This parameter allows you to determine how many records the Contract Pay Encumbrance Processor will commit from memory to the database.

  • DEFAULT LDPR FOR CONTRACT PAY - This parameter allows you to define the Labor Distribution Profile to which HRM will default to retrieve Accounting details for the contract pay, when needed. You can verify the Accounting Details for this LDPR on the LDPR screen.

Specifying the Input ParametersSpecifying the Input Parameters

In addition to the SPAR entries, the following input parameters are also used in this process:

Note: Reversing occurs in the case of check cancellation whereby all accounting entries originally posted by PAM need to be reversed. PAM creates Journal Vouchers that are mirror images of the original Journal Vouchers except with the debits and credits reversed. Vendor Payment Vouchers are created as credit memos where the amount on the Vendor Payment Voucher is shown as a decrease.

  • Fund, Sub Fund

  • Fund, Sub Fund, Department

  • Fund, Sub Fund, Department, Unit

  • Pay