Excess Time Processing

If the Yes/No Flag of the ACCTG CHARGE EXCESS TIME CATEG entry on SPAR is set to Y and the time category vector is populated while processing the pay detail records, then the number of hours on the pay detail record is compared with the standard number of hours for every time category code in the time category vector. The excess time amount is computed by subtracting the standard hours per pay period from the number of hours for every time category record in the time category vector.

For each time category record in the time category vector, the payroll expense journal vector is read until all the pay journal records with the matching time category code, check number, bank account number and current period pay details are found and written to the time category pay vector. The time category pay vector is sorted by ascending order of time category and descending order of event date before further processing. The following steps are performed for each record in the time category pay vector until the time category record is processed.

  • The pay rate is calculated by dividing the contract pay amount in the time category pay record with the input amount in the time category pay record.

  • A new negative payroll expense journal record is created for the number of exceeded hours in effect backing-out the extra hours. The contract pay amount is equal to the product of pay rate calculated above and the input amount of the time category pay record.

  • A new positive payroll expense journal record for the extra hours is created. The time category table is located using the time category and the event date from the payroll expense journal record. The expense category code on the positive record is overridden with the position control expense category from the time category table. If the cost accounting id on the time category table is set to User Object Sub-Object Override and the override object and override sub object flags are set to N on the positive payroll expense journal record or the cost accounting id on the time category table is set to Object Sub-Object Override, then the object and sub object from the time category table must override the object and sub object in the positive payroll expense journal record. If the cost accounting id on the time category table is set to ‘profile override’ or the cost accounting id on the time category table is set to User Profile Override or User Profile Override with Employee Home Department and the override labor distribution profile flag is set to N in the payroll expense journal record then the labor distribution profile from the time category table is used to determine the accounting attributes of the positive payroll expense journal record. The accounting attribute information is obtained using the COA process. The positive payroll expense journal record is split into multiple records based on the number of accounting lines returned by the COA process. The contract pay amount is equal to the product of pay rate calculated above, the input amount of the time category pay record and the distribution percentage of the accounting line.

  • If the input amount in the time category pay record is equal to the excess time amount in the time category entry, then the excess time amount in the time category record is set to zeros and the flag that indicates that the processing of time category entry is done is set.

  • If the excess time amount in the time category record is greater than zero and the input amount in the time category pay record is less than the excess time amount in the time category record then the input amount in the time category pay record is subtracted from the excess time amount in the time category record. If the excess time amount in the time category record is zeros then the flag that indicates that the processing of time category record is done is set.

  • If the excess time amount in the time category record is greater than zero and the input amount in the time category pay record is greater than the excess time amount in the time category record then the input amount in the time category pay record is written to the excess time amount in the time category record. The excess time amount in the time category record must be set to zeros and the flag that indicates that the processing of time category record is done is set.

  • If the excess time amount in the time category record is less than zero and the input amount in the time category pay record is greater than the excess time amount in the time category record then the input amount in the time category pay record is subtracted from the excess time amount in the time category record. If the excess time amount in the time category record is zeros then the flag that indicates that the processing of time category record is done is set.

  • If the excess time amount in the time category record is less than zero and the input amount in the time category pay record is less than the excess time amount in the time category record then the input amount in the time category pay record is written to the excess time amount in the time category record. The excess time amount in the time category record must be set to zeros and the flag that indicates that the processing of time category record is done is set.

All these records are written to the payroll expense journal table.