Fringe Credit Offset (FCOS)

The Fringe Credit Offset (FCOS) page allows users to associate a Fringe Pay Type and Department with an Object. This allows the Payroll Check Processor job to create an offsetting credit to the selected Object for employees enrolled in the Fringe Pay Type and in the specified department. This page is timeline maintained.

Field InformationField Information

The Department field is required. It may be wildcarded.
The Fringe Benefit Type field is required. It may not be wildcarded. This field specifies Fringe Benefit Types for which offsetting credits will be created. The Object code on the Event associated with the Fringe Benefit Type on Employer Fringe Benefit Type (EFBT) must not be blank.
The Fringe Benefit Plan field is required. It may be wildcarded. This field specifies Fringe Benefit Plans for which offsetting credits will be created. 
The Offset Object field is required. It may not be wildcarded. This field specifies the Object that will receive the offsetting credit. This Object code cannot be the same as the Object code on the Event associated with the Fringe Benefit Type on EFBT.