Journal Data Finalization

The Journal Data Finalization job cleans up the journal information. This job provides a way to implement the data from the current journal tables to the historical journal tables, and then remove the data from the current journal tables.

There are two ways to run PAM. The first way is to run Payroll Check Processor, then Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation, and then Journal Data Finalization. The second is to run Payroll Check Processor, Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation, Payroll Transaction Generator (Advantage Financial), submit PREXPs (in Financial), then run Journal Data Finalization. It is the responsibility of the system administrator to verify if the Financial Transaction Generator batch processing has been completed for the given GTN Run Number and GTN Proc Number. The details on payroll accounting transactions that are generated upon processing of the Financial Transaction Generator should be manually verified before running the Journal Data Finalization batch job.