Labor Distribution Adjustment (LDA)
The Labor Distribution Adjustment (LDA) activity folder allows you to query the payroll expense, fringe expense, contract pay expense and leave accrual expense journal records based on Chart of Accounts (COA) information, employee information, or payroll accounting transaction information. By utilizing this search, you can a select the journal record that needs to be adjusted and create a Labor Cost Redistribution transaction with key attributes and original accounting information pre-populated with the corresponding values from the selected journal record.
After a journal record is selected from the search results on the LDA page, you can create an LCRR transaction by selecting the Create Labor Cost Redistribution Request action from the row-level menu. Once this link is selected, a new LCRR transaction is created, and the information available on the selected journal records is copied to the corresponding fields on the LCRR transaction, such as employee information, dollar amount, and COA elements. The created LCRR transaction contains two sets of COAs; one set for the original COAs and one set for the revised COAs. When the LCRR transaction is created, both original COAs and revised COAs are pre-populated with the corresponding COA values from the journal record selected.
Based on the journal type, different amount fields are used to populate the Dollar Amount on the Labor Cost Redistribution Request transaction. If the journal record selected is from either the Payroll Expense Journal, Contract Pay Expense Journal, or the Leave Accrual Expense Journal, the Dollar Amount on LCRR is populated with the Contract Pay Amount value from the selected journal record. If the journal record selected is from the Fringe Expense Journal, the Dollar Amount on LCRR is populated with the Fringe Amount value from the selected journal record.
To view details regarding a record in the search results on the LDA page, select View from the row-level action menu. The LDA activity folder contains the following tabs:
This tab displays pay check information for a specific payroll, retrieved from a combination of Pay Check and Pay Extension (PAY_CHECK and PAY_CHECK_EXT) tables. Select the Create Labor Cost Redistribution Request for Pay Check action via the tab-level menu to create and open a new Labor Cost Redistribution Request for pay check.
Payroll Expense JournalPayroll Expense Journal
This tab displays payroll expense journal records, retrieved from the Payroll Expense Journal (PYRL_EXPS_JRNL) table. The following row-level actions are available in the search results grid:
Create Labor Cost Redistribution Request - This action creates and opens a new LCRR transaction.
Create Labor Redistribution Request for Pay Check - This action creates and opens a new LCRR transaction for a pay check with all the associated expense records for the Employee ID, Appointment ID and GTN Run Number.
Create Labor Cost Redistribution Request for Pay Check Expense Journal - This action create a LCRR transaction with all associated payroll expense records for the Employee ID, Appointment ID and GTN Run Number.
Fringe Expense JournalFringe Expense Journal
This tab displays fringe expense journal records, retrieved from the Payroll Fringe Journal (PYRL_FRNG_JRNL) table. The Expense Lability ID (EXPS_LIAB_ID) on the Payroll Fringe Journal (PYRL_FRNG_JRNL) table is used to distinguish between fringe expenses and fringe liabilities. When set to E, the record is a fringe expense; when set to L, the record is a fringe liability. Only fringe expense records are displayed on the Fringe Expense Journal tab. The following row-level actions are available in the search results grid:
Create Labor Cost Redistribution Request - This action creates and opens a new LCRR transaction.
Create Labor Redistribution Request for Pay Check - This action opens and creates a new Create Labor Cost Redistribution Request transaction for pay check with all of the associated expense records for the Employee ID, Appointment ID, and GTN Run Number.
Create Labor Cost Redistribution Request for Pay Check Fringe Expense Journal - This action opens and creates a Labor Cost Redistribution Request transaction with all the associated fringe expense records for the Employee ID, Appointment ID, and GTN Run Number.
Contract Pay Expense JournalContract Pay Expense Journal
This tab displays contract pay expense related journal records, retrieved from the Contract Pay Expense Journal (CONP_EXPS_JRNL) table. The following row-level action is available in the search results grid:
Create Labor Cost Redistribution Request - This action creates and opens a new LCRR transaction.
Leave Accrual Expense JournalLeave Accrual Expense Journal
This tab displays leave accrual expense related journal records, retrieved from the Leave Accrual Expense Journal (LEV_ACCR_EXPS_JRNL) table. The following row-level action is available in the search results grid:
Create Labor Cost Redistribution Request - This action creates and opens a new LCRR transaction.
Refer to the "Labor Cost Redistribution Request" topic for additional information about each of the tabs. You can view related transactions by selecting the Related Transactions action via the page-level menu.
Since payroll expense, fringe expense, contract pay expense, and leave accrual expense journal records are all stored in different tables: PYRL_EXPS_JRNL, PYRL_FRNG_JRNL, CONP_EXPS_JRNL and LEV_ACCR_EXPS_JRNL, respectively, you cannot search across all four tables at the same time on one tab of the LDA. Therefore, you may only search against one journal table at one time.
Additional TopicsAdditional Topics
For additional information on the Labor Cost Redistribution Request (LCRR) transaction, refer to the "Labor Cost Redistribution Request (LCRR)" topic.
For additional information on the Labor Distribution Correction process, refer to the "Labor Distribution Correction (LDC)" topic.