Payroll Accounting Management (PAM) Processes
To facilitate the posting of payroll runs that take place in CGI Advantage HRM to the CGI Advantage Financial system, Payroll Accounting Management (PAM) executes these processes:
Payroll Check ProcessorPayroll Check Processor
The Payroll Check Processor processes the payroll information. The pay details and the deduction details are exploded based on the accounting information to create payroll expense, fringe, and liability journal records. These records are written to the payroll expense journal, payroll fringe journal and payroll liability journal table respectively. The payroll expense journal, payroll fringe journal, and payroll liability journal records are used to create payroll accounting transactions. The accounting and non-accounting data errors are written to the PAM error table. The accounting statistics are written to the PAM statistics table. The job is multi-threaded so it can be run in parallel, simply specify a unique GTN_PROC_NO for each parallel job.
Payroll Labor Distribution ConsolidationPayroll Labor Distribution Consolidation
The Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation process creates payroll accounting transactions and must be run three (3) times in each payroll cycle. The Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation batch parameter, PYRL_DOC_ID, must be set to 'P' (Payroll) for the first run, 'C' (Contract Pay) for the next run, 'L' (Leave Liability) for the last run, and ‘A’ (Adjustment mode) when there is a record in the Payroll Detail Adjustment table with a status code of ‘P’ - Pending.
Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation processes the payroll expense journal, payroll fringe journal, and payroll liability journal records if the batch parameter PYRL_DOC_ID is set to 'P'. Contract pay encumbrance expense journal records are processed if the payroll transaction ID is set to 'C'. Leave liability accrual expense journal records are processed if the payroll transaction ID is set to 'L'. When the PYRL_DOC_ID is set to 'A', Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation processes the Payroll Details Adjustment table records which reference the journal tables (Payroll Expense, Payroll fringe Expense, Contract Pay Expense and Leave liability accrual Expense).
The payroll expense journal records are used to create PREXP records to record Gross Pay and PRLNP records, to transfer the Gross Pay to Cash Expenditure. The payroll expense journal records with the Reversal Date field populated, that are not related to cancelled checks, are used to create the PRACR records to record labor accruals for non-fringe expenses. The net pay liability journal records are used to create PRLIA records to record the Net Pay, and PRLNP records to transfer the Net Pay to Cash Expenditure. The payroll liability journal records for deductions and benefits that are to be processed internally will be used to generate the PRLID records. Records that are to be processed externally will generate PRLIAs to record the deduction, and if a payment voucher is also required, this will generate a PRLVP to request payment for the deduction. The payroll fringe journal records with the vendor/seller information for external processing are used to create PRLVP transactions. The payroll fringe journal records without the vendor/seller information for internal processing are used to create the PREXP transactions to record the fringe pay and PRLID records. The expense records from the payroll fringe journal, for non-cancelled checks with the Reversal Date field populated, are used to create the PRACR records to record labor accruals for fringe expenses. The vendor payable liability journal records are used to create the PRLVP transactions. The Payroll Detail adjustment table records are used to create PREXC records.
In general, the function of the Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation job is to consolidate the payroll journal information into transaction shells so Advantage Financial can create, load and submit the following payroll accounting transactions:
Payroll Expenditure Transaction (PREXP)
Payroll Liability Transaction (PRLIA)
Payroll Internal Transaction (PRLID)
Payroll Net Payment Transaction (PRLNP)
Payroll Vendor Payment Transaction (PRLVP)
Accrual Reversal Transactions (PRACR)
Payroll Expense Correction Transaction (PREXC)
Journal Data FinalizationJournal Data Finalization
The Journal Data Finalization job cleans up the journal information. This job provides a way to implement the data from the current journal tables to the historical journal tables, and then remove the data from the current journal tables.
There are two ways to run PAM. The first way is to run Payroll Check Processor, Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation, and then Journal Data Finalization. The second is to run Payroll Check Processor, Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation, Payroll Transaction Generator (Advantage Financial), submit PREXPs (in Financial), then run Journal Data Finalization. It is the responsibility of the system administrator to verify if the Financial Transaction Generator batch processing has been completed for the given GTN Run Number and GTN Proc Number.
PAM Reconciliation Pre-ProcessorPAM Reconciliation Pre-Processor
Given the high volume of information being processed by the PAM Reconciliation process, the processing time can be high if run with a single processing thread. To improve overall performance times, the PAM Reconciliation Pre-Processor job should be executed before the PAM Reconciliation job. The PAM Reconciliation Pre-Processor job splits the Advantage Financial Payroll Reconciliation (PYRLAR) input into separate threads for more efficient processing of the PAM Reconciliation Processor. Each thread is represented by a unique Payroll Reconciliation Processing Number. The PAM Reconciliation Pre-Processor consolidates all of a Payroll Transaction’s PYRLAR Accounting Line records into the same thread.
PAM Reconciliation ProcessorPAM Reconciliation Processor
The PAM Reconciliation Processor compares the output of the Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation (the payroll accounting tables) against the Advantage Financial Payroll Reconciliation (PYRLAR) table, which contains accounting line details for Payroll Expenditure Correction (PREXC)/Payroll Expenditure (PREXP) transactions that have been submitted to Final. PAM Reconciliation can be run in two modes:
Adjustment Mode – Adjustment Mode processes PREXC transactions that originated online in Advantage Financial.
Payroll Mode – Payroll Mode processes PREXP/PREXC transactions that originated in Advantage HRM either through a payroll or by a Labor Cost Redistribution Request (LCRR) transaction.
Contract Pay Encumbrance ProcessorContract Pay Encumbrance Processor
Some employees are paid based on contract basis. The dollar-value of the remaining contract payment amount can be encumbered by running the Contract Pay Encumbrance Processor. The Contract Pay Encumbrance Processor processes the contract pay summary information from the contract pay summary table to create contract pay encumbrance expense journal records. These records are written to the contract pay encumbrance expense journal table. The contract pay encumbrance expense journal records are used to create contract pay encumbrance expense transactions.
Leave Liability Accrual Expense ProcessorLeave Liability Accrual Expense Processor
Some employees accrue leave every pay period. Certain types of leave might be eligible for payoff if not used. The dollar-value of this type of leave accrued can be encumbered by running the Leave Liability Expense Processor. The Leave Liability Expense Processor processes the leave balance information from the leave extract table to create leave liability accrual expense journal records. These records are written to the leave liability accrual expense journal table, and are used to create leave liability accrual expense transactions.