Populate Warrant Disbursement Information on PRLVP
The Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation (PLDC) batch process populates Warrant disbursement information for Garnishments (GARN), Levies (LEVY), and Family Court Support (FAMC) deductions on the Payroll Vendor Payment Requests (PRLVP) transaction. This special processing is enabled when Configuration Flag 1 is Yes on the PAM Processing Configuration OPROC and the Payroll Document ID batch parameter on PLDC is P. Based on the type of warrant being processed, different disbursement information is populated on the PRLVP transaction. The Warrant Type is determined by the Valid Document Type 1 field on Benefit Type (DEDT), Employee Fringe Benefit Type (BENT), or Employer Fringe Benefit Type (EFBT) for the deduction. If this field contains the transaction codes GARN, LEVY or FAMC the deduction is considered a warrant deduction.
The disbursement information that is populated for each warrant type is as follows:
Warrant Field |
Description/Location |
Document ID |
The Transaction Code found in the Valid Document Type 1 field is inserted as a prefix to the PRLVP Document ID (example: GARN0000123412). |
Vendor Code |
Located on the DED_PARM or DED_PLAN tables. |
Handling Code |
Located on the DED_PLAN table. |
Disbursement Category Code |
Located on the DED_PLAN table. |
Single Payment Indicator |
Located on the DED_PLAN table. |
Vendor Name |
Located on the DED_PARM or DED_PLAN tables. |
Amount |
Amount taken for the deduction in payroll processing. |
Warrant Field |
Description/Location |
Address ID |
The Address ID is the Deduction Plan code for the warrant deduction. |
Employee ID |
Populated on the Accounting Line Description: Located on the EMPL table. |
Department Code |
Populated on the Accounting Line Description: Located on the EMPL_ASGNMT table. |
Pay Location |
Populated on the Accounting Line Description: Located on the EMPL_ASGNMT table. |
Case Number |
Populated on the Accounting Line Description:
Employee Name |
Populated on the Accounting Line Description: Located on the EMPL table. |
When the vendor disbursement format matches the Configuration Text field 4 on PAM Processing Configuration OPROC.
Warrant Field |
Description/Location |
Case Number |
Populated on the Accounting Line Description: FMLY_CRT_CASE_NO column on the DED_PARM table. |
Check Date |
Populated on the Accounting Line Description: The check date processed during payroll processing. |
Employee SSN |
Populated on the Accounting Line Description: EMPL_SSN column on the EMPL table. |
Employee Name |
Populated on the Accounting Line Description: Located on the EMPL table. |
Support Reference ID |
Populated on the Accounting Line Description: FMLY_CRT_DOCT_NO column on the DED_PARM table. |
When the vendor disbursement format does not match the Configuration Text field 4 on PAM Processing Configuration OPROC.
Warrant Field |
Description/Location |
Address Line 1 |
Located on the DED_PARM table. |
Address Line 2 |
Located on the DED_PARM table |
City |
Located on the DED_PARM table. |
State |
Located on the DED_PARM table. |
Zip |
Located on the DED_PARM table. |
Country |
Located on the DED_PARM table. |
County |
Located on the DED_PARM table. |
Check Date |
Populated on the Accounting Line Description: The check date processed during payroll processing. |
Employee ID |
Populated on the Accounting Line Description: Located on the EMPL table. |
Employee Name |
Populated on the Accounting Line Description: Located on the EMPL table. |
Case Number |
Populated on the Accounting Line Description: FMLY_CRT_CASE_NO column on the DED_PARM table. |
Support Reference ID |
Populated on the Accounting Line Description: FMLY_CRT_DOCT_NO column on the DED_PARM table. |
The following is a format used to populate information on the Accounting Line Description field on the PRLVP transaction based on the warrant type. Note: Information that is too long for the allocated space will be cut off.
When the vendor disbursement format matches the Configuration Text field 4 on PAM Processing Configuration OPROC.
Position |
Warrant Information |
1-14 |
Employee ID: In “EMP: nnnnnnnnn” format |
15 |
Space |
16-26 |
Department: In “DEPT CD: XX” format |
27-28 |
Space |
29-41 |
Pay Location: In “PAY |
LOC: |
XX” format |
42 |
Space |
43-63 |
Case Number: In “CASE: nnnnnnnnnn” format |
64 |
Space |
65-100 |
Employee Name: In “OR firstname middleinitial lastname” format |
Example |
EMP: 123456789 DEPT CD: 40 PAY LOC: 05 CASE: RCCI98765 OR Joe Smith |
When the vendor disbursement format matches the Configuration Text field 4 on PAM Processing Configuration OPROC.
Position |
Warrant Information |
1-7 |
DED*CS* - This value will always be present |
8-27 |
Case Number |
28 |
* |
29-34 |
Check Date: In “YYMMDD” format |
35 |
* |
36-45 |
Amount |
46 |
* |
47-55 |
Employee Social Security Number |
56-58 |
*Y* |
59-68 |
Employee Name: In “lastname, firstname” format |
69-79 |
*0900001* \ - This value will always be present |
Example |
DED*CS*SDU345675*080130*00000800000*013768439*Y*STANLEY,M*0900001*/ |
When the vendor disbursement format does not match the Configuration Text field 4 on PAM Processing Configuration OPROC.
Position |
Warrant Information |
1-6 |
Check Date: In “MMDDYY” format |
7 |
Space |
8-17 |
Employee ID |
18 |
Space |
19-55 |
Employee Name: In “lastname, firstname” format) |
56 |
Space |
57-76 |
Case Number |
77 |
Space |
78-97 |
Support Reference ID Number |
Example |
013008 78532693 Johnson, Mike CSS4634596 445678JJHGGFDRT87555 |