Premium COA Allocation Crosswalk Processing

The Payroll Check Processor batch process utilizes records defined on Premium COA Allocation Crosswalk (PCAX) to allocate Internal Position ID, Title, Sub-Title and COA elements entered on Timesheet (TIMEI) or Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ) for Straight Paid Overtime Events to the corresponding FLSA Paid Premium Overtime Events that are generated during GTN processing. 

The Premium COA Allocation Crosswalk processing logic during Payroll Check Processor is as follows:

  1. Payroll Check Processor looks up to records on PCAX when Configuration Flag 2 is Yes on PAM Processing Configuration OPROC and a paid premium overtime event (TRAN_ID = F) is on PAY_DETL for the employee. 

  2. The PCAX processing logic continues when the following criteria are met:

  1. If records on PCAX are found for the employee’s Pay Policy and the Paid Premium Overtime Event on PAY_DETL.

  2. In the retrieved records from step A, if there are entries for the Straight Paid Overtime Event on the Payroll Expense Journal with the specified Department and Allocate Overrides is set to Yes. If Configuration Flag 3 is Yes on PAM Processing Configuration OPROC, PYRL_EXPS_JRNL_HST records within the FLSA work cycle isl also  used to find Straight Paid Overtime Events for the PCAX lookup.

  3. For each Straight Paid Overtime Event found on PCAX, sum the contract pay amounts and create groupings by Internal Position ID, Title, Sub-Title, and all COA elements. 

  4. A separate FLSA Paid Premium Overtime Event line is created on PYRL_EXPS_JRNL for each unique set of Straight Paid Overtime Event groupings.

  5. If any of the criteria in steps 1 or 2 are not met, the employee’s default accounting is allocated to generated Paid Premium Overtime Events.