Processing Data in Financial
- To migrate the data from Advantage HRM to Advantage Financial, the Payroll Accounting Generator in Financial will read the HRM payroll accounting reference tables and create, load and submit the payroll transactions in the Financial application.
- The posting of the PAM details is regulated in the Advantage Financial application and the accounting details are routed to the relevant recipients. This is done by means of Event Types associated to each PAM transaction. These Event Types are referenced on the Payroll Event Type Defaults (PYRLETD) page for the following transactions:
- The Default Event Type is displayed on Transaction Control (DCTRL) for the following transactions:
How are PAM Transactions further Processed in Financial?
Financial first determines the valid Events for the transaction on the Payroll Event Type Defaults (PYRLETD) page.
Financial determines the Posting Codes based on the Event Type. Event Types and Posting Pair information are set up on the Event Type (ETYP) table.
Financial then determines the Posting Destination for each Posting Code. Posting Codes are set up on the Posting Code (PSCD) table.
PAM finally determines the destination of the buckets via the Balance Sheet Account (BSA).