Statistics Generator

All the records in the Payroll Expense Journal and the Payroll Liability Journal tables for the particular run numbers that were processed are used to determine the statistics generator. 

As the Payroll Expense Journal Record is written to the Payroll Expense Journal table, the Run Number, Pay Cycle, Fiscal Month, Fiscal Year, Fund, Sub-Fund, Department, Unit, Sub-Unit and Object are used to read the PAM Statistics table. If an entry exists then the Total Expense Amount is updated with the Contract Pay Amount. Otherwise, a new record is written to the PAM Statistics table. The Total Expense Amount is set to the Contract Pay Amount and the Total Liability Amount is set to zero.

As the Payroll Liability Journal record is written to the Payroll Liability Journal table the Run Number, Pay Cycle, Fiscal Month, Fiscal Year, Fund, Sub-Fund, Department, Unit, Sub-Unit and Object are used to read the PAM Statistics table. If an entry exists then the Total Liability Amount is updated with the Deduction Amount; otherwise, a new record is written to the PAM Statistics table. The Total Liability Amount is set to the Deduction Amount and the Total Expense Amount is set to zero.