Automated Pay Criteria

The Automated Pay Criteria (AUPC) page sets the criteria for creating a specified type of Automated Pay. This page states the type of criteria that must be satisfied and the parameters for those criteria. GTN looks to this page based on the employee’s pay policy, retrieved using the pay period start date.

Field InformationField Information

The Automated Pay Criteria reference page contains the following fields:

Field Name

Field Description

Automated Pay Criteria Type

This field determines what type of criteria the employee's work day calendar and time inputs will be compared to in generating automated pay.  Valid values are:

  • Daily Overtime - the system compares the Overtime Threshold and Overtime Cap to the employee’s total daily time for each day in the pay period.

  • Weekly Overtime - the system compares the Overtime Threshold and Overtime Cap to the employee’s total time for each week within the pay period. These weeks always start on the first day of the pay period and go through the seventh day before starting a new weekly overtime period.

  • Pay Period Overtime - the system will compare the Overtime Threshold and Overtime Cap to the employee’s total time for the entire pay period. For each of these overtimes, the input amount for each is set to the number of hours per day minus the overtime threshold up to the overtime cap. Therefore, the maximum input would be the overtime cap minus the overtime threshold.

  • Shift Premium - the system compares the Shift Premium Start Time and Shift Premium End Time to the Time In/Time Out of the employee’s time. The input hours equal the total amount of hours that fall within the Shift Premium Period (time between the Shift Premium Start Time and Shift Premium End Time) on the employee’s Time In/Time Out. In order to support automated pay logic to generate Shift Premiums, Time-In/Time-Out values are stored on pending payments as they are entered on an employee’s Timesheet (TIMEI) transaction.

  • Holiday Premium - the system generates pay whenever hours are worked on a day with a schedule type of Holiday on the employee’s work cycle on the Work Day (WDAY) reference page.

  • Off Day Premium - the system generates pay whenever hours are worked on a day with a schedule type of Off Day on the employee’s work cycle on WDAY.

  • Premium Day Premium - the system uses the Premium Day Schedule to determine which dates (from the Premium Day (PDAY) reference page) are eligible for premium payment. If hours have been worked by the employee on those days the pay event’s input amount equals the total number of hours worked on that given premium day.

Generated Pay Type

This field determines which pay event will be created by the automated pay logic.

The Generated Pay Event must have Use Pay Policy Event Type Rate set to Yes on the Pay and Leave Events (EVNT) reference page, to ensure the rate is derived from PPET for automated pay generation.

Include/Exclude Pay ID

Determines which employee pay events are considered for automated pay generation. Valid values are:

  • Include All - all employee pay events are compared to the criteria to determine if pay should be automatically generated.

  • Include Specified - only the pay events listed on the Automated Pay Include/Exclude Pay Events (APPE) reference page that are associated with the same Pay Policy and Generated Pay Event from AUPC are compared to the criteria to determine if pay should be automatically generated.

  • Exclude Specified - only the pay events listed on APPE that are associated with the same Pay Policy and Generated Pay Event from AUPC are compared to the criteria to determine if pay should be automatically generated (these pay events are excluded).  

Pay Policy

A wildcard ("*****") value in this field indicates that the entered pay policy is valid for all entries for the associated field.

For example, a wildcarded Pay Policy would mean that the automated pay event is valid for all pay policies.

Overtime Cap

This field specifies the maximum number of automated pay hours an employee is allowed to earn on a given day.

For example, if the Automated Pay Criteria Type is Daily Overtime and the Overtime Cap is 4:00 hours, the maximum amount of automated pay hours the employee could receive on a given day will be 4:00 hours.

Overtime Threshold

This field specifies the threshold number of hours an employee must report in order to generate automated pay overtime.

For example, if the Automated Pay Criteria Type is Daily Overtime and the Overtime Threshold is 8:00 hours, any time reported on a given day that exceeds 8:00 hours will be paid out using the automated pay event.

Premium Day Schedule ID

This field specifies the Premium Day Schedule ID (defined on the Premium Day (PDAY) reference page) when the Automated Pay Criteria Type is Premium Day. If the Automated Pay Criteria Type is set to Premium Day, Premium Day Schedule ID is required. Otherwise this field should be left blank.

Replace Qualified Hours

The Replace Qualified Hours check box specifies the automated pay event should be created instead of regular hours (replacing the regular entered hours with the automatically generated pay) that qualify for the premium, or in addition to the regular hours.

The number of Qualified Hours is used by Gross-to-Net as the input amount and the rate is derived from the Pay Policy Event Type (PPET) reference page. If Replace Qualified Hours box is checked, the system subtracts any qualified hours for the automatically generated premium from the originally entered pay detail. If multiple pay events are entered for an employee which together qualify the employee for any automated pay generation, and the Replace Qualified Hours box is checked, the hours are removed from the pay event with the highest Remove Pay Priority Number from the Pay and Leave Events (EVNT) reference page, then removed from the next highest until no more hours must be removed.

Shift Premium End Time

This field specifies when the Premium Shift Period (period of time that qualifies for Shift Premium automated payment) ends when the Automated Pay Criteria Type is Shift Premium. The Shift Premium End Time is required if the Automated Pay Criteria Type is set to Shift Premium, otherwise this field should be left blank.

Shift Premium Start Time

This field specifies when the Premium Shift Period (period of time that qualifies for Shift Premium automated payment) begins when the Automated Pay Criteria Type is Shift Premium. The Shift Premium Start Time is required if the Automated Pay Criteria Type is set to Shift Premium, otherwise this field should be left blank.

State Tax Withholding Option

When the MULTI_STATE_TAX on Application Parameter (APPCTRL) is set to Y, this field determines the state code that is assigned to automated pay events. Valid values are:

  • Primary State

  • GTN uses employee’s primary state tax code on State Tax Enrollment (TAXS) to populate the state code on the generated automated pay.

  • If the employee does not have a State Tax Enrollment (TAXS) record, GTN logic uses the OPROC hierarchy to assign the state code.

Withhold based on entered time

  • GTN verifies the state codes for all of the pending pay/pay detail records included in the evaluation for the day.

  • If all of the state codes are the same, use the state code from the pending pay/pay detail to populate state code on the generated automated pay .

  • If there are multiple state code values present in the pending pay/ pay details being used for evaluation, GTN uses the employee’s primary state tax code on State Tax Enrollment (TAXS) to populate the state code on the generated automated pay.