Calculating Time-to-Gross

Time-to-Gross translates the employee’s hours worked to gross pay based on the employee’s associated pay rate(s). This process performs the following:

  1. The system establishes the current pay period (based on the Pay Period (PERD) table) and verifies that dates entered in the timesheets fall within the current pay period. It also verifies the employee is eligible to be paid (for example, the employee is active versus inactive without pay). In addition, it verifies the hours entered into the timesheet and verifies that the Event Type and override accounting distribution information is valid.

  2. The system multiplies the time by the appropriate pay rate hourly wage to calculate gross pay and updates the summary tables for leave activity. The system also processes leave details. For leave events with pay, it processes both the leave usage and calculates associated pay. The process checks the Pay Policy Event Type (PPET) table to verify that the employee’s pay policy includes the recorded pay event and checks the minimum and maximum daily information and increments to make sure the amount entered is within these parameters. It also calculates component pay using the Pay Policy Event Type (PPET) table and uses the factor amount. In addition, entries in the Pending Payment (PEND) page are created.

  3. When the Parameter Value for the MULTI_STATE_TAX Application Parameter (APPCTRL) is set to Y, the Time-to-Gross (TTG) process  populates State ID and Local ID on pending payments for Timesheet (TIMEI), Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ), Overload Payment Generator (OPAY) and One-Time Payment (OTPAY) transactions, using the following hierarchy:

  4. When a Schedule Location is populated on the transaction, the State ID and Local ID on the pending payment is populated with the State and Locality associated with the Schedule Location on the Location (LOCA) reference page.

  5. When a Schedule Location is not populated on the transaction, the State ID on the pending payment is populated with the State ID on the employee’s active state tax enrollment that has Primary Tax Location selected. Local ID will not be populated.

  6. When a Schedule Location is not populated on the transaction, and the employee does not have an active state tax enrollment, State ID and Local ID will not be populated on pending payments.

When the Parameter Value for the MULTI_STATE_TAX APPCTRL entry is set to N, State ID and Local ID will not be populated on pending payments.

After Time-to-Gross, a report is generated that indicates which transactions were accepted and which transactions were rejected. It is important to review this report and incorporate any changes prior to processing payroll. The following transactions are processed by Time-to-Gross.

  • Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ) is used to enter hours worked or leave taken in a prior pay period and to record actual hours for positive-paid employees and exception events for exception-paid employees.

  • Leave Accrual (LEAV) is used to manually accrue leave.

  • Automatic Leave Accrual (AACC) is used to enter automated leave accruals.

  • External Adjustments (EADJ) is used to enter activity that adjusts existing balances.

Output from Time-to-Gross

When Time-to-Gross runs successfully, the following output is prepared for running a pay cycle: timesheets are converted to gross pay, outside adjustments are incorporated, and detail and summary leave tables are updated.

  1. When timesheet entries are converted to gross pay, the rate of pay is determined and multiplied by the time listed for each pay event. Pending payments are created and placed on the Pending Payment (PEND) table.

  2. Outside adjustments are incorporated by processing External Adjustment (EADJ) transactions. This transaction is used to enter external activity in order to correct existing balances.

  3. Detailed and summary leave tables are updated directly with all manual leave accruals and leave taken during this pay cycle. Automated accruals are updated when the pay cycle is run.