Configurable Pay Processing

The Configurable Pay process allows for various automated pay rules to be configured via reference pages. The system then evaluated employees against these rules prior to the regular payroll run, and if the rule conditions are met, pending payments are generated that can then be included in the payroll run. The configurable pay process allows for a variety of rules to be established, including lump sum, union-defined premiums, shift/weekend differentials and more. As there could be some overlap between pay generated by configurable pay and that generated by the automated pay process, it is expected that a site will only use one or the other of these processes for a given pay rule.

The following reference pages are used by the Configurable Pay process to determine if automated pay should be generated.

The Configurable Pay reference page allows rules to be established for specific employee groups based on Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local and Pay Policy. It also allows for wild cards entries for any of these values.

Each rule has an identified ‘evaluation period’, and the rule will be executed for every complete evaluation period that occurs within the current pay period (based on Pay Period (PERD) entries).

  • Daily - the rule evaluates for every day within the pay period, with payments generated on the day(s) that the rule condition is met.

  • Daily Specified - the rule setup must identify which days of the week the rule applies to, and then the rule evaluates for every day within the pay period that falls on one of the identified days of the week, with payments generated on the day(s) that the rule condition is met.

  • Multi-Day - the rule setup must identify the span of days (example, Saturday-Sunday) that the rule applies to, and then the rule evaluates for each of these multi-day windows that occurs within the pay period. The payments are generated on the last day of the multi-day window. Note that currently, multi-day rule evaluation can only be applied to employees assigned to a biweekly pay cycle.

  • Pay Period - the rule evaluates for the full pay period, with payment generated on the last day of the pay period if the rule condition is met.

  • Weekly - the rule evaluates for each of the two weeks of a biweekly pay cycle, with the week starting on the first day of the pay period. Payments is generated on the last day of each week where the rule condition is met. Note that currently, weekly rule evaluation can only be applied to employees assigned to a biweekly pay cycle.

The Pay Rule Formula determines whether the employee being evaluated meets the rule (yes/no output), and the Pay Output Formula determines the input amount for the calculated payment. The formulas must be written using standard JEXL scripting standards ( The formulas can include common HRM helper methods and the configurable pay specific methods identified on the Configurable Pay Method (CONFMTHD) reference page. The formulas may also include reference to configured lists of events, locations, or other system codes as defined in the User List (ULIST) reference page and expected by certain methods.

The Configurable Pay process assigns state codes to the generated configurable pay pending payments. If the State Tax Withholding Option is set as Primary State on the Configurable Pay (PAYCONF) reference page, the state code assigned is the employee's primary state from their State Tax Enrollment. If the employee does not have any state tax enrollments, the state code will not be assigned by the Process Configurable Pay batch process and Gross-to-Net (GTN) will assign the state code based on the default values established on the Offline Process Configuration (OPROC) reference page. If the State Tax Withholding Option is set as Withhold based on entered time on Configurable Pay , the state codes of all the pending payment or pay details included in the evaluation for the period are evaluated. If all the state codes are the same, this state code is used to populate state code on the generated payments. If there are multiple state codes present in the pending payment or pay details being used for evaluation, the state code associated with the employee’s primary tax location on their State Tax Enrollment is used to populate the state code on the generated payments.

The Configurable Pay process calls Time-to-Gross (TTG) to determine the details of the payment. When the job is run in initial mode, the resulting payments are written to the pc_pend_pay table where they can be reviewed if necessary. Running the job in ‘finalize’ mode will move the payments from pc_pend_pay to pend_pay, where they will be available for payroll processing. The job can also be run in ‘reset’ mode, which will delete entries for the given run from pc_pend_pay so that information can be updated or corrected, and the process can be re-executed as needed.