Employee Pay Rate History
The Employee Pay Rate History (QRTE) inquiry page enables you to display detailed pay rate information for an employee. This page can also be used to scan an employee's pay progression. When you scan on base pay, asterisks appear in the pay rate field for those date ranges in which a pay rate cannot be found. When you scan on non-base pay, lines with date ranges for which no pay rate can be found are not displayed. This page does not allow you to perform complex searches that include wildcards or commas.
After an employee record is selected in the search results grid, you can choose one of the following row-level actions:
Go to Employee Status Maintenance - This action allows you to view related Employee Profile documents.
Pay Components - This action displays employee's pay components details. Search for an employee and applicable effective dates. Select the employee in the grid and select Pay Components from the Related Pages. This will bring up a list of the employee’s pay components.