Performing a Mass Change for a One-Time Transaction
Mass changes to generate one-time transactions are done when a one-time transaction affects a definable group of employees. The following actions may be achieved through making a one-time transaction mass change:
Generate a request to process a supplemental trigger
Generate a request to process a retroactive trigger
Generate a one-time deduction
Generate a one-time payment for a specific amount
To enter the parameters for one-time transactions, open the Mass Change Request for One-Time Transactions (MAS3) page. The Mass Change Request for One-Time Transactions (MAS3) page features a grid used to list mass change requests for one-time transactions.
Select the Insert link to create a new line on the grid.
In the common section of the Mass Change Request for One-Time Transactions (MAS3) page, enter the necessary information. Note: “_*_“ denotes a required field. The entry that you make in the Request Code field will determine what type of one-time transaction you are requesting:
To generate a request to process a supplemental trigger, enter “STRG” in the Request Code field, make any appropriate changes in the Revised Attributes – Common section, and then go to step 7 to make the appropriate changes to the fields of the Revised Attributes – STRG section.
To generate a request to process a retroactive trigger, enter the Request Code “RTRG”, make any appropriate changes in the Revised Attributes – Common section, and then go to step 8 to make the appropriate changes to the fields of the Revised Attributes – RTRG section.
To generate a one-time deduction, enter the Request Code “OTDED”, make any appropriate changes in the Revised Attributes – Common section, and then go to step 9 to make the appropriate changes to the fields of the Revised Attributes – OTDED section.
To generate a one-time payment for a specific amount, enter the Request Code “OTPAY”, make any appropriate changes in the Revised Attributes – Common section, and then go to step 10 to make the appropriate changes to the fields of the Revised Attributes – OTPAY section.
In the Selected Criteria – General Information section, you can enter any applicable criteria for identifying employees to whom the intended change is to be applied.
In the Selected Criteria – Fund Accounting section, you can enter any applicable criteria for identifying employees to whom the intended change is to be applied.
In the Selected Criteria – Detail Accounting section, you can enter any applicable criteria for identifying employees to whom the intended change is to be applied.
In the Revised Attributes – Common section, enter the intended changes to the employment attributes of the specified employees. Note: “ * ” denotes a required field.
In the Revised Attributes – STRG section, enter the appropriate changes. Entries should only be made in this section to generate a request to process a supplemental trigger.
In the Revised Attributes – RTRG section, enter the appropriate changes. Entries should only be made in this section to generate a request to process a pay trigger.
In the Revised Attributes – OTDED section, enter the appropriate changes. Entries should only be made in this section to generate a request to process a one-time deduction.
In the Revised Attributes – OTPAY section, enter the appropriate changes. Entries should only be made in this section to generate a request to process a one-time payment.
In the Revised Attributes – OTPAY Fund Accounting section, enter the appropriate changes. Entries should only be made in this section to generate a request to process a one-time payment.
In the Revised Attributes – OTPAY Detail Accounting section, enter the appropriate changes. Entries should only be made in this section to generate a request to process a one-time payment.
To enter additional mass change requests, repeat steps 1 through 12.
Select Save to record the mass change request in the system.